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More important than having a hot body is to use it to make your guys go crazy


May 2nd @ 5:21pm EDT

Is your girl having trouble orgasming?It's surprising how many guys still find it hard to give women an orgasm.I mean aside from understanding all the foreplay tricks and cool techniques that you can use during sex, there's not much else you can do right?She can either orgasm or she can't...Wrong.There's actually one missing ingredient to giving your girl mind blowing... back scratching... lip biting orgasms, that many many guys overlook.It's not your fault though... you're a guy.I mean we're built differently to women, it's like learning a new language and playing a game in that language.Sometimes you forget the rules... you can't be bothered to play the game and other times it's just too damn hard, so you give up!But there is one ingredient that sets us apart from women in the bedroom department.One thing that you must use if you want to triple the amount of orgasms she has in one session.THAT INGREDIENT IS...EMOTION.Yep, you heard me right.Women want you to make them feel a range of emotions that all connect with each other to make them cum like crazy... again and again.It's up to you to unlock those emotions and be able to influence them at will, so she quite simply cannot control herself.So how do you do it?Before I get into the nitty gritty, let me first quickly run through the difference between a male mind and a female mind.


May 2nd @ 5:20pm EDT

THE RECEPTIVE TYPEWHAT SHE WILL DOA receptive girl is the easiest of the 3 and there really isn't much that you need to do. She's already attracted to you, responding very well to your kino and maintaining eye contact.HOW TO DEAL WITH HERReceptive girls are far easier to get into bed as the hardest part is already done. All you need to do is focus on keeping the sexual tension alive and closing. Here's how to do it:Be sexual and start kinoing from the moment you begin talking, this will put her in a sexual mindset. Keep being as physical as you can with her, so that she has no doubt in her mind that she's going to sleep with you.Connect with her by using rapport building questions and keep going deeper with the questions, until you're talking sexually... take it as far as you can.WHY SHE IS BEING RECEPTIVE TOWARDS YOUYou've lucked out and you just so happen to be her type of guy, the kind of guy that she always goes for.She's feeling extra frisky that night and is open to doing more than she usually does, so just needs some gentle persuasion.She hasn't been laid in a while and needs a guy to take the lead.So that's it dude, those are the 3 categories I place women into based on their character types at the time. This really helps, so go ahead and start using it the next time you're out.


May 2nd @ 5:19pm EDT

WHY SHE IS BEING UNRECEPTIVE TOWARDS YOUYou are coming across as a needy guy, which is a REAL turn offShe may have a boyfriend or husband, so looking for a ring or dropping in a line like \"Are you like this with your boyfriend?\" is a good way of telling whether she\'s taken.Her values, beliefs and even interests are different to you. Religion may even play a part here which can be a real disaster.She could have recently split up with her boyfriend so is feeling a little sensitive and just not looking for anything with another guy right now.THE NEUTRAL TYPEWHAT SHE WILL DOA neutral girl will be friendly, she\'ll smile, make eye contact and just be receptive to talking. But won\'t show any signs of attraction or interest, it\'s generally just her being polite and open.HOW TO DEAL WITH HERAs she isn\'t bitchy or unreceptive you have to test her reactions by reading her body language and using rapport / sexual escalation. Here\'s how to do that...You need to let her know that you\'re not a potential \"friend\" but a sexual partner, so touching, being more aggressive and being more confident will help achieve this.Use kino and ramp up the sexual escalation until you can visibly see that she\'s attracted to you. If she is unresponsive to your kino, then you need to build more rapport.Avoid talking about boring topics that will k... any sexual attraction, keep making assumptions about her and be playful.WHY SHE IS BEING NEUTRAL TOWARDS YOUUnlike men who see a woman and instantly decide whether they would like to sleep with them or not, women are WAY different. They need a lot more persuading before they will jump into bed with him, even if they find him attractive.It\'s a natural defence mechanism towards guys, so although she\'s friendly it doesn\'t mean she\'s necessarily attracted.


May 2nd @ 5:18pm EDT

Whenever I'm out and talking to a woman, either in a bar/club... language school (yes I go to language school, amazing for women) coffee shop or anywhere else for that matter, I always look at their character type and current behaviour.Why do I do this?Simple, it gives me a great starting point from where I should take the interaction.So for example, if I'm in a bar and a girl gives me an IOI (indicator of interest) I know that she'll fit into one of the below character types and it means I can kick things off with a more sexual vibe, as opposed to being more reserved if she didn't show any interest.You see no matter what the girl or place, you can always place them into any one of these 3 character types and you'll know exactly what to do next based on that.Cool right?Obviously the end goal here is to sleep with the girl, possibly even turn her into your girlfriend if you like her enough... but if you're not attracted to her, then don't bother placing her into one of these character types, just treat her as a friend.Ok, let's get into the good stuff.THE UNRECEPTIVE TYPEWHAT SHE WILL DOA girl who is unreceptive will show herself to be unavailable, disinterested in anything you say and would appear to have her mind on something else. These can sometimes be tough nuts to crack, they can also be bitchy, so gauge the situation first.HOW TO DEAL WITH HERYou need to grab her attention and allow her to start opening up (hopefully even working for your attention). To do this you must...Stack the cards in your favour, by using social proof if you're in a bar or club. Even ask your wingwoman to help you out by warming her up a bit. You need to build more value for yourself, so she sees you as a high status male.Use assumptions to spike her intrigue and make her work for your attention. Saying something like "You look Brazilian... English girls don't dress like that..."Kino regularly, but make sure you start off slow. When you touch her too many times, too soon she will get freaked out. So build up slowly and touch her more based on her reaction to it.


May 2nd @ 5:16pm EDT

HOOK HER WITH AN INTRIGUING TEXTDo you have strong text game? If so, then ball breakers will be no match for your skills... if you suck, then here's what you need to do.Funny, witty and easy to respond to - The first text after you've gotten the number is very important. It needs to spark the same attraction you had when you left the interaction. Now women that like to play games, will use texting as a powerful tool to keep men on their toes, it's up to you to stop this from happening. Text her something that will get her attention, make her smile and want to reply. So something like this... "OMG... I've just this second seen a girl who looked just like you outside Starbucks dressed as a giant cookie... please tell me that's now you??Get her on the phone - If you want to, getting her on the phone is a great way to continue building rapport and you can easily end the conversation by saying something like "...Listen, I need to meet with some friends, but we should meet this Thursday night if you're free?"DON'T BE EMOTIONALAre you an emotional guy? Then you're unfortunately going to find it hard to attract women, because you let your emotions get the better of you.Don't react to what she says - Women like to throw bombshells into a conversation because they like to get a reaction. Whatever they say, you must remain calm and unphased by what she says.Keep calm when she acts strange - They will also try different things like being flirty one minute and cold the next. Again these are mind games they have picked up in magazines to make you want them more... just play it cool and act like nothing has happened.So that's how to deal with women that play hard to get.The trick is to just play the game and keep plowing until she breaks. Don't give up, trust me they are doing it for the drama, attention and to see if you're the real deal.


May 2nd @ 5:15pm EDT

WATCH FOR THE SIGNALSRemember this... what women SAY and what they DO are very different. So make sure you get good at reading signals.Does she look for a few seconds? Playing hard to get even starts before you've even muttered a word to her, so get ready for it. If she looks over at you as you walk past her... it's game on.Does she look twice? The first look may have been a fluke, but you can take the second look as a solid "YES I like you".Is she using flirtatious body language? If she's standing close to you, playing with her hair, laughing loudly to get your attention... and just acting overly flirtatious it's because she is hoping you will man up and talk to her.PLOUGH THROUGH THE SH*T TESTSo you've decided you want to be a man and approached her... even though she gave you "the signals" it aint as easy as you think dude.Don't stop trying if she says no - Let's say you've been talking to her for 10 minutes and you ask for her number... but she says no. Don't stop there, build some more rapport, connect a little more and ask again later. Don't let that "no" affect your game.Never look desperate - If you look desperate, women will smell it. Keep your cool around her and don't slip into lost puppy mode, otherwise she'll toss you around (not in a good way) and throw you out.Build rapport, break rapport and escalate - Keep these in mind, if you build rapport and then break rapport... you're connecting and attraction is being established. Then all you need to do is add a touch of sexual escalation and bam, you're in.WATCH FOR THE SIGNALSRemember this... what women SAY and what they DO are very different. So make sure you get good at reading signals.Does she look for a few seconds? Playing hard to get even starts before you've even muttered a word to her, so get ready for it. If she looks over at you as you walk past her... it's game on.Does she look twice? The first look may have been a fluke, but you can take the second look as a solid "YES I like you".Is she using flirtatious body language? If she's standing close to you, playing with her hair, laughing loudly to get your attention... and just acting overly flirtatious it's because she is hoping you will man up and talk to her.PLOUGH THROUGH THE SH*T TESTSo you've decided you want to be a man and approached her... even though she gave you "the signals" it aint as easy as you think dude.Don't stop trying if she says no - Let's say you've been talking to her for 10 minutes and you ask for her number... but she says no. Don't stop there, build some more rapport, connect a little more and ask again later. Don't let that "no" affect your game.Never look desperate - If you look desperate, women will smell it. Keep your cool around her and don't slip into lost puppy mode, otherwise she'll toss you around (not in a good way) and throw you out.Build rapport, break rapport and escalate - Keep these in mind, if you build rapport and then break rapport... you're connecting and attraction is being established. Then all you need to do is add a touch of sexual escalation and bam, you're in.


May 2nd @ 5:13pm EDT

There are 3 main reasons why women love playing hard to get and they are all total bullshit.1. They read it in the magazinesYeah I know, stupid right? But it's true. Women hold glossy magazine relationship advice in high regard. They read these crappy tips which have been made up by "relationship experts" which tells them to keep men chasing them.2. They don't want to be seen as "easy"Women have a BIG issue when it comes to social stigma. They hate being seen as whores, cheap, easy or cheaters so will do whatever it takes to keep themselves away from those associations.3. They want a man who is strong, secure and confidentIt's ingrained in them I'm afraid. Women love a man who is mentally capable of matching them, so they go crazy for the confident secure guys.So you'll probably see girls play the hard to get card at 2 stages, the first being before you get the number and second being after you get the number.POR QU LAS MUJERES JUEGAN DURO PARA CONSEGUIRHay 3 razones principales por las que las mujeres aman jugar duro para conseguir y todos son una mierda total.1. Ellos leen en las revistasS, lo s, estpido no? Pero es cierto. Las mujeres ocupan el consejo de la relacin revista de moda en alta estima. Ellos leen estos consejos de mierda que se han hecho por los "expertos", que narra la relacin que mantienen los hombres que los persegua.2. Ellos no quieren ser vistos como "fcil"Las mujeres tienen un gran problema cuando se trata de estigma social. Ellos odian ser vistas como las putas, barato, fcil o tramposos lo va a hacer lo que sea necesario para mantenerse alejado de las asociaciones.3. Ellos quieren un hombre que es fuerte, seguro y confiadoEst arraigado en ellos, me temo. Las mujeres aman a un hombre que es mentalmente capaz de igualar ellos, por lo que se vuelven locos por los chicos seguros seguros .As que probablemente ver las nias juegan al difcil conseguir tarjetas en 2 etapas, la primera fue antes de obtener el segundo nmero y bienestar despus de obtener el nmero.


Apr 19th @ 10:34pm EDT

WARNING: These techniques aren't for everyone, so only use them if you're comfortable adding random girls on Facebook.Do you have a Facebook account?I'm guessing you do...How many women do you pick up on Facebook every week then?I'm guessing... zero.Most guys I speak to on a daily basis have no idea how to pick up girls on Facebook. They just use it to add fake friends that they met for 2 minutes at a lame party or to perv over their best friends older sister.Why the hell would you want to be on Facebook if you didn't want to use it for picking up girls?You seriously want to connect with old friends and write "Oh dude, it's been too long we should catch up..." on their wall??Haha, you make me laugh... deactivate that account right now!Ok... I'm joking, obviously having a Facebook account isn't just about chasing tail, it's important these days to have one for many other things... (promoting a business, your personal brand, connecting with family etc).But listen dude... you have a tool at your disposal that is so powerful, the C.I.A use it to run background checks on people... girls are willingly giving up information on their profile which you can use to pick them up.It's nuts.In this post, I'm about to teach you the secrets of how to pick up girls on Facebook.Now this isn't some fluffy guide with pointless tips that some punk created... these are proven, girl getting techniques given to you in simple steps that you can apply TODAY and start seeing results really damn fast.Before I get into the good stuff though, let's first see why you should be spending a little more time pursuing women on Facebook, rather than posting crap on your wall no one will ever read.


Apr 19th @ 10:33pm EDT

4. Be open to saying "yes" - Improv is another form of spontaneity so you have to be open to say yes more than you say no. Not only will it offer you more opportunities in life it will also give you more reference points for jokes with friends and girls.5. Practice and exercises daily - Make it a habit to use improv exercises (like the one below) to strengthen your improv muscles and allow you to think in a different "funnier" way than you did before.A good thing to do is to learn from the best and watch people like Russell Brand who is a true genius at improv, this is the best way to pick up tips and get yourself into the right mindset before heading out.A QUICK EXERCISE FOR IMPROVING YOUR IMPROV SKILLSThere are tons of improv exercises out there, which will make you an outstanding improviser, but I'm just going to show you one... this was my favourite when I started learning this stuff because it helped me get into a rhythm very quickly.It's called "word play" and involved two people, so grab a buddy for this one.Step 1: Ask your friend to think of a random word that will kick off a story.Step 2: When you're friend says a word you, then think of a word that would continue the story and make it more funny and interesting.Step 3: Your friend will do the same and you both keep going back and forth for 2 minutes.Step 4: After 2 minutes is up, start a new story and challenge yourself with harder words and topics.This can be REALLY funny with a group of you and the exercise is great for help you to think of words faster.


Apr 19th @ 10:32pm EDT

Before we get into the good stuff, I just want you to know that "being funny" isn't something you're born with. It can be learned by ANYONE, you just need to practice.USE IMPROVISED COMEDYBeing able to improvise comedy allows you to pretty much talk about anything for as long as you want to.There are no closed or open ended questions, no waiting for the other person to speak, it's all about you controlling the conversation with a random bunch of words.1. Be in the moment - Never think too much about what to say next, just use your surroundings to pick out things to talk about and run with it. If you overthink, then you'll strip the humour out completely.For example if you're with a girl drinking tea, you could say "My dad was Mr Darjeeling, he's made tea for the queen, he used to whip me with tea bags if I didn't make his tea properly, really odd man."2. Let yourself fail... a lot - Failing as you know if inevitable, so when you start talking about something that isn't funny and the girl isn't laughing. Just stop yourself and start a new topic, you'll get better over time so it's not a problem.3. Listen to what she's saying - Don't just ramble on about anything, you need to listen to what she's saying so you can use "hooks" during the conversation and reference points which show you listened and keep your jokes relevant to her.For example, a few weeks back I met a girl in a club who told me that she was an air traffic controller and helped planes land at her aiport.Now most guys would say something lame like "Oh cool, I bet that's an interesting job.. do you enjoy it?"Here's what I said:ME: No way! That's crazy, I'm an air traffic controller too.GIRL: Really? Where do you work?ME: At home, I'm a freelancer...GIRL: Huh? What do you mean a freelancer?ME: Look I'll show you (I opened up a game on my iPhone which was called Flight Control and started landing airplanes at the airport in front of her). Then I said, look I'm amazing... 3,000 points.GIRL: She had a bemused look on her face for a split second and then burst out laughing.From that point on, she was hooked and I ended up getting her number and meeting up with her another night.


Apr 19th @ 10:32pm EDT

Laughter is the best medicine... laughter is the key to a woman\'s panties and laughter can make people drawn to you.So is it so hard to make women laugh?I\'m sure you\'ve got a friend or know a friend of a friend who is funny... so funny that he gets invited out more than you, gets more attention from women than you and gets... well laid more than you.But what does he do that\'s so much more appealing to women?Well he offers them something that a lot of men can\'t.He makes them laugh LIKE CRAZY.It\'s something that scientists call an evolutionary anomaly because it\'s not needed for survival and is unique to humans.Yet it\'s something that once mastered can:Make women feel they can trust you morePut dozens of women in your bed... night after nightDraw people towards you and want to hang around youBuild rapid amounts of rapport without any thought behind itMake everyone around you feel positive, upbeat and happyMarilyn Monroe once famously said...\"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.\"Now it\'s obvious that she was talking about sex. You can actually turn women on so much that they want to sleep with you... just by making them laugh. Nuts right?So that\'s what I want to focus on today, a few proven for making women laugh uncontrollably, to the point where they just want to bang your brains out.IMPORTANT: Before I get into the basic funny formula I want to let you know about a program that I came across which is blowing up right now and helping guys become WAYYY funnier like overnight. It\'s called High Status Humor and breaks down how humour works and how ANY guy can be funny.


Apr 18th @ 9:59pm EDT

Do you have strong text game? If so, then ball breakers will be no match for your skills... if you suck, then here's what you need to do.Funny, witty and easy to respond to - The first text after you've gotten the number is very important. It needs to spark the same attraction you had when you left the interaction. Now women that like to play games, will use texting as a powerful tool to keep men on their toes, it's up to you to stop this from happening. Text her something that will get her attention, make her smile and want to reply. So something like this... "OMG... I've just this second seen a girl who looked just like you outside Starbucks dressed as a giant cookie... please tell me that's now you??Get her on the phone - If you want to, getting her on the phone is a great way to continue building rapport and you can easily end the conversation by saying something like "...Listen, I need to meet with some friends, but we should meet this Thursday night if you're free?"DON'T BE EMOTIONALAre you an emotional guy? Then you're unfortunately going to find it hard to attract women, because you let your emotions get the better of you.Don't react to what she says - Women like to throw bombshells into a conversation because they like to get a reaction. Whatever they say, you must remain calm and unphased by what she says.Keep calm when she acts strange - They will also try different things like being flirty one minute and cold the next. Again these are mind games they have picked up in magazines to make you want them more... just play it cool and act like nothing has happened.


Apr 18th @ 9:57pm EDT

Have you ever been out with a girl that you really liked, but she ended up playing hard to get... which made you frustrated and you just couldn't be bothered to chase her?Yep. This happens a lot bro.Women that play hard to get are seriously annoying and they wonder why they can't find any "good guys" right?I actually had a woman recently who was a REAL ball breaker, I'm talking not giving a f*ck about me... but luckily I read the signals and kept plowing on... weeks went by.But you know what? I finally got her in the sack. Bam!Now I'm seeing her a few times per week and she was so worth it.Amazing in bed, great personality and a witty sense of humour. A rare breed of woman.So this got me thinking and I decided I'd write a little post on how to deal with women that play hard to get.Before we get into the finer points, let's first discuss why it happens.WHY WOMEN PLAY HARD TO GETThere are 3 main reasons why women love playing hard to get and they are all total bullshit.1. They read it in the magazinesYeah I know, stupid right? But it's true. Women hold glossy magazine relationship advice in high regard. They read these crappy tips which have been made up by "relationship experts" which tells them to keep men chasing them.2. They don't want to be seen as "easy"Women have a BIG issue when it comes to social stigma. They hate being seen as whores, cheap, easy or cheaters so will do whatever it takes to keep themselves away from those associations.3. They want a man who is strong, secure and confidentIt's ingrained in them I'm afraid. Women love a man who is mentally capable of matching them, so they go crazy for the confident secure guys.So you'll probably see girls play the hard to get card at 2 stages, the first being before you get the number and second being after you get the number.


Apr 18th @ 9:54pm EDT

Ki-... style - Style is the least important in college, because college girls are far too horny to be worrying about this stuff. That\'s not to say that it doesn\'t help your college game, because it REALLY does. So get some cool threads and rock that sh*t.Decent body - BIG BIG deal in college. The fat quarterback used as a human shield... never gets laid. The ripped jock gets a ridiculous amount of twang, so get your ass to the gym bro and work out hard!Clean dorm room - Yes you\'re young and you have no \"real\" worries yet. But that doesn\'t give you an excuse to live like a slob. Pick the pizza boxes up... throw away the red beer cups... pick your stanky boxers off the floor and clean your room up you little punk! You don\'t seduce college girls by being a hobo.No sense of shame - College campus is a time in your life when raging as hard as you can is the coolest thing you can do and is rewarded with sex and a great lifestyle. The best thing you can do is not give a sh*t about what the girls think of you and just enjoy yourself.A single bachelor lifestyle - At least for the first year anyway, do what you can to get every sick fantasy you have in your twisted head out the way in the first 12 months of being in college. Why? Well because if you get a girlfriend... you\'re screwed, no crazy sex with other girls, just the one girl until you leave college... f**k that!So there you have it dude.Everything you need to know on picking up girls in college. Easy right? Biggest thing to remember is that you need good friends around you and you need to focus on having a great time.Don\'t shut yourself away like a hermit and play the PS3 all day, that\'s lame. Getting laid is far better, as I\'m sure you\'re already aware :)


Apr 18th @ 9:51pm EDT

THE SECRETS TO PICKING UP GIRLS IN COLLEGEThis could be all yours if you follow the rules...Just 3 simple steps and it's game on brother!1. PLAY THE LONG GAMEEstablish yourself first with cool male social circle. Meet guys at gym and at frats. Don't try to get laid try to get cool friends.2. BE THE TRIBE LEADERMake personal priority to lead group to have fun and do cool things. Everyone likes good times, good meals, good fun.Girls watch guys to see who they share time with, and how other guys react to them. Be fun/cool guys who is always around and who has lots of cool friends.You will have groupie effect, which means lots of girls will put you in the small category of guys they want to fuck. It's like fishing in a barrel.3. BE THE MAYOR OF GOOD TIMESIt's all about being the mayor of good times and having fun. Be care free and self assured.When you are dealing with freshman girls and you are an upper class man, be sure to really make sure the comfort and trust is there before getting too sexual because they can be a bit afraid in their early days (well most of them can, there are always a percentage of whore types that will bang like crazy).


Apr 17th @ 6:56pm EDT

Don't sit at home playing video games - If you do you're a moron and deserve never to get laid. Treat yourself when you get a REAL woman, not when you complete a level!Do get out in the streets/bars/clubs and practice - Practice gets you laid, the more women you approach the more numbers... day 2's... kisses... and boom boom's you will get.Don't eat like a slob - Junk food will make you fat and very unattractive, duh!Do get to the gym and eat healthy food - You don't need to look like Arni, just keep your body lean and healthy so you feel good about yourself when it comes to nookie time or the beach.Don't use routines - Routines are for geeks who approach women, like they do a game... on an analytical level.Do try proven methods and refine them to match your style - Learn what works (Pssst... like Stealth Attraction) then use those methods until they become natural, that's when you develop your own style.Don't use forums - Forums can suck you in and strip you of your manhood if you let them. Leave them for the geeks and just focus on the outside world dude.Do keep track of what's working for you - Write down what's working for you and refine your style until it's effortless.Don't use PUA terminology - It sounds like you're in a game and trying to reach different levels, you sound like a nerd.Do work on your sense of humour and banter - Work on making people laugh, your quick wit and charismatic energy, this is what gets the ladies!Don't focus on too much theory - By focusing on the theory you will turn into a nutcase that knows what to do, but just never does it.Do practice more than you learn - Take 20% of the theory you have learnt and apply that to 80% of your time.Don't hang around with guys with no game - If your buddies don't get laid then how are they going to help you get laid?Do get a good wingman - A good wingman is essential and will help you more than you can imagine, they are invaluable.Don't drink alcohol to feel confident - It will start off well, but you'll just get worse as the evening goes on and you will become dependent on it, which obviously isn't good.Do work on your inner confidence every day - Your self confidence is like a muscle, you need to work on it daily for it to grow.Don't start a blog on picking up chicks - So many losers do this, when they don't even get any hotties themselves... it's just sad.Do keep a record of the girls you've been with - Keep track of the girls you've been with so you can set up threesomes, engineer friends with benefits and play the game properly.Don't be a dick - It will eventually backfire.Do be a gentleman... with an edge - Think like a player, he's funny... knows how to treat a woman, but also let's them know that he's no pushover so can't be held down. It's a push pull scenario.Don't bitch about how hard it is - If you give up, you don't deserve the best chicks out there... go back to playing video games.Do get into a routine of approaching women - Approach 1 new girl a day for 7 days and see what that does for your self esteem.Don't focus on one area of game - Quitters do this and they never advance.Do focus on your weak points - By strengthening your weakest part of game, you will become unstoppable in all areas.


Apr 17th @ 6:55pm EDT

8. FANTASY SHEET..Is someone feeling sick?So I made this one up, but I\\\'ve been using it more and more with solid sex buddies.All you do is both take 5 minutes to write down your wildest fantasies that you can do in the bedroom. Then you act them out on a weekly basis.Taking turns each week. This is a great way to keep things exciting in the bedroom.9. FINGER VIBRATORFlick... buff and shine that little nugget!A finger vibrator is another way to stimulate the clitoris whilst you\\\'re going down on her. I\\\'ve found that some girls like it and others don\\\'t, so you should ask first.If you alternate between your tongue and the vibrator, she should orgasm REALLY quickly.Boom! That\\\'s how to go crazy in the bedroom and take your sex life up a notch.Wanna become a sexual ninja in the bedroom and make every woman orgasm like crazy?8. FANTASY SHEET..Is someone feeling sick?So I made this one up, but I\\\'ve been using it more and more with solid sex buddies.All you do is both take 5 minutes to write down your wildest fantasies that you can do in the bedroom. Then you act them out on a weekly basis.Taking turns each week. This is a great way to keep things exciting in the bedroom.9. FINGER VIBRATORFlick... buff and shine that little nugget!A finger vibrator is another way to stimulate the clitoris whilst you\\\'re going down on her. I\\\'ve found that some girls like it and others don\\\'t, so you should ask first.If you alternate between your tongue and the vibrator, she should orgasm REALLY quickly.Boom! That\\\'s how to go crazy in the bedroom and take your sex life up a notch.Wanna become a sexual ninja in the bedroom and make every woman orgasm like crazy?


Apr 17th @ 6:48pm EDT

9 THINGS YOU NEED IN THE BEDROOM TO MAKE SEX 10X BETTER... KEEP IT SPICY6. SEX POSITIONS BOOKShow her who the daddy is!Ok so this is a little left field... but by getting a sex positions book and leaving it on your bedside table, one sure thing will happen; She will be curious to try new positions!Make it a plan to try a new sex position EVERY time you get into bed with a woman, this will not only broaden your mindset for what works best but you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll also be more adventurous as a partner than she\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s probably ever had.There\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s hundreds of sex positions to choose from and some really good ones that make her orgasm quickly so you won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t get bored any time soon.7. MASSAGE OIL7. MASSAGE OILOoooo... yep, that\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s the spot!Massaging each other is both relaxing and very erotic. If you are any good at it, she will be super turned on in no time... practically begging you to f... her.Gra pe seed oil or lavender oil are both perfect for massaging. I think Casanova used to use Gra pe seed oil before sex too as a way of intense fore play.I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'d recommend about 15 minutes, obviously naked and then working your way around her really sensitive ar 151511162+6326000000000000000000


Apr 17th @ 6:47pm EDT

3. HAND TIESBring out her inner freak...Yeahhhh boy, no we\\\'re getting kinky!Fuzzy little handcuffs or soft {{{ are perfect for tying up her hands and treating her like your slave. Women get a real kick out of being tied up (...ahem, 50 Shades of Grey) and won\\\'t ever suggest it but will let you do it if you ask.Basically women like to do more freaky deaky things than men do, they just don\\\'t want to be the ones that introduce it because it may make them look like sluts. So you should always introduce the sex toys etc.Anyway... hand ties are great for all types of positions and it turns women on when they have to struggle.4. LOVE PILLOW (SEX WEDGE)Hit that G-spot with ease...Awesome way to try sex positions that hit the G-spot and really give her intense orgasms... again and again.The sex wedge is perfect for the lazy man and really helps you get up in those sensitive areas, that normal positions just wouldn\\\'t allow.You can even buy ones which have ropes and blindfolds attached, so it\\\'s like an all in one toy.5. FUNKY CONDOMSWilly wonka of condoms...Do you always buy plain condoms? Boring!Get some different ones and try them out, I\\\'m talking fruity ones... nobbly ones... special sensitive ones that make you last longer and her orgasm quicker.Just experiment and find what you like best.


Apr 17th @ 6:45pm EDT

Hanky panky a little... samey these days?Yeah I know how ya feel bro.There\\\\\\\'s only so many times you can plough away missionary style... or doggy style before you start getting a bit... well bored really.This is why I decided to create a list of things that I\\\\\\\'ve been trying recently to spice things up in the bedroom.You know, make the sex better... the experience more exciting and look forward to trying something new.Although these are basic sex tips and simple things you can find in sex shops, they will make sex 10x better... trust me.So here\\\\\\\'s the rundown of things that will give you the boost you want... in no particular order.HOLD ON: Before we get into the good bits... if you\\\\\\\'re serious about becoming a master in the bedroom, then you should watch this.1. BLINDFOLDNot too kinky, but very sexy.Yeah I know... I tad predictable right? Even so, it\\\'s still an awesome thing to have in the bedside draw which you can surprise your lady friend with.The reason blindfolds are so good, is because you can take turns in being in total control. The person wearing the blindfold needs to be submissive whilst the other person, does what they like to you.Not to mention, your senses are heightened because you are blind!2. LUBEStock up playa... this is some good sh*t!This is probably my most used item in the bedroom. If you don\\\'t use lube during sex, you\\\'re one crazy mofo... it makes everything more slippery, tingly and way more enjoyable.I use water based lube, which can be used with condoms and without, but there are also oil based lubes that are a lot tougher to wash off, but equally as pleasurable.If you\\\'re a fan of the old \\\"death star\\\" route, then lube will certainly make the job a lot easier if she\\\'s tight.


Apr 17th @ 6:24pm EDT

You: Just been to see Batman... What a badass xHer: Oh yeah? xYou: Yep, that deep voice, crazy ninja moves and rock hard six pack... oooooHer: You got the hots for Batman? xYou: Are you telling me that if Batman grabbed you, took you back to his lair, whispered dirty words in that deep gravely voice and dominated you... you wouldn't like it? xHer: Mmmm... ok I'm in xYou: Damn. it's 11pm, where the hell can I get a bat suit at this hour...Her: Forget the bat suit, just bring the gravely voice! xYou: On my way miss...3 SIMPLE SEXTING TIPS FOR GUYSHere are some helpful sexting tips that will keep you on track and not feel like you're stuck after the first bump.DON'T JUMP THE GUNLet's get something straight here, women like guys who are sure of themselves and their actions. So you need to be that guy when texting, however this doesn't mean that you want to be too brash with your words.For example, you don't want to say something like:"Nice meeting you yesterday, can't wait to f**k your brains out this week"This isn't going to work on any girl, there's no sizzle or flirting, it's just too direct and she will think that you think she's a slut. Game over.A better example would be:"Nice meeting you last night... can't stop thinking about that sexy little bum... Not getting any work done today, you're a bad influence young lady! x"IF YOU OFFEND HER, JUST MOVE ONThere will be a point during your dirty texting session that you may offend her, this is totally fine as you need to see where the line is with each girl. But what you don't want to do is apologise like a needy little bitch.You need to give an underhanded apology, like this...Her: "Erm... ok that was a little rude"You: "Ooo I didn't hurt your feelings did I? Ok you get one spank and that's it... ok two, but that's my final offer."SET A SEXUAL FRAME EARLY ONMost guys are too afraid to turn on the sexual vibe with text messages in case they screw it up. My advice is, don't worry about screwing it up... if you did a decent job when you met her, then a text message won't ruin the attraction unless you're a total tard.Switch on the naughty stuff and keep dialing it up from the very first text.Always try and turn things into a sexual innuendo, it's much more exciting than a boring "how's your day going" text.That's it fellas... a rundown of simple sexting tips for guys. Do you have any examples you want to share? Leave them in the comments below dude.


Apr 17th @ 6:23pm EDT

I\\\'ve put these examples into 3 types. From mild to aggressive, all of them work so it\\\'s up to you to try them out and see which works best for you. You can also mix them up with different girls based on how sexual they are too.NAUGHTY BUT NICE (FLIRTY BANTER, ALWAYS A SEXUAL UNDERTONE)Her: Hey you, how\\\'s your day going? xYou: Well hello my cheeky little fuzzy chicken... a little boring if I\\\'m honest. Need some excitement today xHer: What kind of excitement? :)You: Dunno, like a submissive maid who\\\'s does everything I ask... xHer: Shall I get the outfit out of my closet for you? xYou: Yes... and make sure you pick up my dry cleaning on the way... otherwise daddy will be angry.Her: Is it bad that I like it when daddy is angry? xYou: Yes. And for that I\\\'m going to have to put you over my knee you naughty girl.Blah blah, you get the picture. She basically loves the tease, because it\\\'s naughty... you\\\'re leading the texts and she\\\'s being submissive.THE HUNTER (NO FLUFF, JUST STRAIGHT TO THE POINT)You: So it\\\'s Thursday evening... work almost done and I\\\'ve got an overwhelming erection, what is a man to do? xHer: Get some ice ;) xYou: Now now missy, that\\\'s naughty. You weren\\\'t given lips like that for nothing... get the high heels, some red lipstick and get to my place sharpishHer: And if I don\\\'t? xYou: I will find you..(((((you... blind fold you, tie you to my bed and have my way with you... even when you can\\\'t take it anymore.Her: See you at 10... x


Apr 17th @ 6:21pm EDT

WHY DIRTY TEXTING IS SO EFFECTIVEHere's why I think dirty text messages are so freakin cool and appeal to the lazier man:Women get turned on by words - Women are serial fantasists, which mean that get massively aroused by words and imagining sexual scenarios. This can give you tremendous power.It's private - Your phone is private to you, so noone is going to read those texts unless you want them to. This allows her to be very sexual and naughty without her friends finding out and calling her a slut.Low pressure - There aren't any cockblocks, social pressures or uncomfortable silences which means that she will be open to say things much faster than she would in person, without the same thought process of a high pressure situation.You set the tone and pace - It's up to you how fast or slow you want to build things up sexually with a text and no matter how long you leave it before you reply, you will always start from that point. Meaning you won't have to start the whole sexual build up all over again.So now you know why a dirty text can be effective, let's move onto the actual dirty texts to send girls to get them all hot and bothered.


Apr 10th @ 10:27pm EDT

Your PC muscle is what helps to control the intensity of your orgasms and the the ejaculation stage itself, by flexing the PC muscle.Meaning you can stop yourself from shooting too early, if you work out this muscle daily and learn to control it. It can also induce a full climax WITHOUT ejaculating.The best way to work out this muscle is by doing what are known as Kegel exercises, which were developed by a guy called Arnold Kegel.This is how to do them:Find the muscle - The next time you want to pee, try stopping yourself mid flow. Sounds strange but the flexing you did to stop you from peeing is the same flexing you need to work out the muscle. Another way to tell if you\'re flexing it right is by making your erection go up and down. This is going to target the PC area and can also strengthen your erection.Flex the muscle daily - Take 10 minutes a day to flex this muscle, just flex... hold for 5 seconds and release. Do as many reps as you can in 10 minutes and then do the same thing the next day.2. TRIPLE THE AMOUNT OF FOREPLAY YOU HAVEHold on a minute, foreplay won\'t make me last longer will it? Actually yes it will. By introducing triple the amount of foreplay before penetrating her, will affect you in two different ways:Lowers sexual excitement - Without foreplay the idea of you having sex with a girl and being inside her is just far too exciting and mentally stimulating, which increases the chance of you blowing your load. The longer you spend on foreplay, the less likely you are to get too excited too quickly.Make the girl orgasm a lot more - Most women can\'t actually orgasm without foreplay, so the longer you spend getting her turned on and wet, the better it will be for you, because it won\'t matter whether you last for 10 minutes... she\'ll still achieve an orgasm in that time because you used some kil... foreplay techniques.


Apr 10th @ 10:25pm EDT

So there are TONS of premature ejaculation products and quick tricks that claim to increase your stamina in bed. The sad fact is, they are short term fixes and most of them actually don't do a thing.Here's the worst ones:Pills - Just for the record. There are no pills on the market that will stop you from releasing early. You've seen the ads "Boost male stamina today" blah blah, but they're all hype I'm afraid, designed to make money... not cure a problem.Numbing creams - This is a bad move for both of you. Yes they can work for a very short while... like a few minutes, but they also numb her too so she can't even orgasm! Waste of time.Masturbating before sex - This is something you're friend will tell you in school and will kinda make sense for a moment or two... until you ACTUALLY do it. Not only will you be tired from the first pop, you won't achieve a full and intense orgasm on the second pop, so it's pointless doing this. Plus some guys can only ejaculate once a day.Medical procedures - There are some guys (less than 1%) that genuinely need surgery to help them with PE. For most other guys though it's a mental issue, so don't even think about going under the knife without trying the techniques below!3 WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR STAMINA IN BED... TONIGHTOk, so now you know what doesn't work, let's discuss what does work and the 3 proven ways you can increase stamina in bed, starting from today.


Apr 10th @ 10:25pm EDT

ep. Premature ejaculation sucks dude and you need to put a stop to this craziness before you start getting bad mouthed by girls who gossip too much.Before we get onto exactly how you can last longer in bed, picture this scenario for a minute...You\'re out with your friends in a swanky bar, it\'s a Friday night and everyone\'s on a high because it\'s the weekend.After scoping out the joint, you spot a cutie at the bar, so you swoop over to do your thaaaaang.She eats up your ki... opener, laughs at your jokes and is eating out the palm of your hand...Man you\'re on fire tonight!You\'ve been flirting with this beautiful chick (definitely the cutest in the place) for a few hours now and she seems REALLY into you.After about an hour more of kissing... fondling and dirty talking you invite her back to your place.She\'s game and you both hop in a taxi... leaving your friends wondering what the hell happend.In the taxi home she\'s getting even more turned on and she can\'t stop touching your dick... kissing your neck and whispering in your ear how much she wants to bang you.By now you\'re seriously horny and you can\'t wait to get in the frikkin apartment.After throwing the money at the taxi driver... stumbling through the front door kissing her, you head straight for the front room....Oh yeah... it\'s the couch tonight baby!You both fall onto the couch, racing to get undressed...With one hand on your zipper and the other grabbing that unused 3 year old condom from your wallet... you masterfully whack it on and stick it in.She\'s moaning... groaning and saying things that you just wouldn\'t be able to repeat to your friends (f**k me big boy! harder!), when all of a sudden...Bam!You shoot your load...She looks up at you with a baffled look on her face as if to say \"Are you f**king serious? I came all this way for 42 seconds of magic??!\".You go red faced and mutter some form of apology, whilst she awkwardly slips on her skinny jeans and makes an excuse to leave....Has this happened to you before?Ok, so maybe not in exactly the same way, but I\'m damn sure you\'ve suffered from premature ejaculation at some point right?Don\'t worry dude, 30% of men have it and up to a HUGE 70% of men experience it at some point during their life. Bonkers.So today I wanted to address this issue and teach you exactly how to last longer in bed with all natural methods that I\'ve learned from the guys over at Superman Stamina.


Apr 10th @ 10:23pm EDT

When massaging your girl, sit on her bum. This will REALLY turn her on and it's a reason to get sexual with her.Make sure your hands are warm. Use the oil and rub your hands together for a couple of minutes so it won't shock her when you touch her.Lean into each ear occasionally and whisper things like "how does that feel?". This will make her tingle and turn her on.Test the pressure and ask her what kind of pressure she likes. Soft or firm, whatever she likes, you need to takes things really slow.I've found that 100% organic oils are the best. Not only do they last longer, but they have a thicker consistency and they don't harm the skin in any way.If you want to take take to another level, run a hot bath that you can both sit in after the massage, then go back to the bedroom after that.So that's it dude. 3 sensual massage techniques that I use to really turn girls on before having sex. Works every time and will pretty much guarantee that they orgasm more than once. When massaging your girl, sit on her bum. This will REALLY turn her on and it's a reason to get sexual with her.Make sure your hands are warm. Use the oil and rub your hands together for a couple of minutes so it won't shock her when you touch her.Lean into each ear occasionally and whisper things like "how does that feel?". This will make her tingle and turn her on.Test the pressure and ask her what kind of pressure she likes. Soft or firm, whatever she likes, you need to takes things really slow.I've found that 100% organic oils are the best. Not only do they last longer, but they have a thicker consistency and they don't harm the skin in any way.If you want to take take to another level, run a hot bath that you can both sit in after the massage, then go back to the bedroom after that.So that's it dude. 3 sensual massage techniques that I use to really turn girls on before having sex. Works every time and will pretty much guarantee that they orgasm more than once.


Apr 10th @ 10:23pm EDT

1. SET THE MOOD (AMBIENCE)Never attempt to massage a girl without setting the right mood first. It will take her much longer to feel completely relaxed if the environment isn't perfect.Dim the lights - If you have a dimmer switch that's great. If not, then buy a couple of table lamps and switch those on instead.Grab a towel - Lay a towel on the bed, so you don't get any oil on the sheets (or her lady juices).Check the room temperature - Make sure it's not too hot and not too cold, so that she is comfortable when naked.Make the room smell nice - Use a few scented candles before she arrives so the room smells really nice.Play some relaxing music - Keep the music low, but loud enough so it's relaxing. Things like nature sounds are cheesy, so go for something like Ibiza Chillout Sessions.2. GET SOME QUALITY OILSOils are the most crucial part of any full body sensual massage, so choose from the ones below. You need to choose an oil that not only smells nice, but stays lubricated for a long time... and is 100% natural so you don't irritate the skin.OILS YOU CAN USE:Grapeseed oil - The best in my opinion, it's great for massaging and doesn't irritate the girls vagina when you use the finger stroking technique.Rose oil - Traditionally used for romance, this oil smells great.Sandalwood oil - Known to help increase your libido, which is a bonus.There are tons of other oils on the market, but these are the ones I've tried and work really well for sensual massages. Feel free to try others though.3. USE THESE SENSUAL MASSAGE TECHNIQUESYou need to make sure that you have plenty of oil on your hands and on her body before starting. Once there's enough oil, you should start with short circular hand and thumb movements, that turn into long glides and then back to short circular movements again.You need to feel for knots on her body, these are the areas that need to be worked on, until that area is soft and less tense.Back - Focus on the upper back, lower back, bum and legs for the first 15 minutes. Starting with the top of the shoulders and the arms and moving downwards. Spend 2 to 3 minutes on each area.Front - Ask her to turn over slowly with her eyes closed and begin massaging her breasts, stomach, arms and legs. If you like, you can massage her feet too (some guys don't like this). Spend 2 to 3 minutes on each of the body parts.Lower region - With her body massaged and fully relaxed, you can now massage her vagina and the surrounding areas slowly. When you hear her moaning with pleasure, then you can move onto the finger stroking technique which will lead to a G-spot orgasm.


Apr 10th @ 10:22pm EDT

When you get into a regular thing with a girl and you're both enjoying the sex, it's down to you to make sure that things remain exciting in the bedroom. One of the best ways to do this is to introduce sensual massage techniques that will get her all hot and bothered.The more you can prolong the foreplay and sexual tension before you even get down to the nookie, the more she will be begging you to bang her and the more likely she will be able to orgasm... like CRAZY!WHY SENSUAL MASSAGE TECHNIQUES WORKAll over a womans (and man's body) are pressure points that once massaged will release the tension in the muscles and relax the body entirely.By getting her fully relaxed she will be able to have multiple orgasms in a much shorter amount of time. You see with most guys, it's just about the sex... you stick it in, wiggle it about and climax in a few minutes... where's the fun in that?Massage can be a HUGE part of foreplay and can be the most crucial part to pleasing your girl in the bedroom.You don't have to massage every time, but it's something that you'll want to try out a few times with the same girl, just to mix things up a bit.Ready to get into the raw stuff?Cool, let's do it.


Apr 10th @ 10:21pm EDT

Ok, you have stimulated her with your ki... foreplay techniques and your bumping and grinding, what next?Step 1: Get close to her ear, whilst grinding when you feel her beginning to get wet.Step 2: Slowly and softly say in a low (gravelly) voice... \"I want you to come for me baby\" or \"Relax and come for me baby\" or \"Oooh your pussy is so wet, come for now baby\".Step 3: Keep pounding and continue pounding when she does orgasm, increase the tempo and go until she can\'t catch her breath and is just in ecstasy.I bet you\'re thinking...\"Holy crap, that is the cheesiest thing I\'ve EVER heard! That won\'t work!!\"I thought the same... until I tried it.Saying this stuff before she orgasms works because for a woman to orgasm fully she has to let go of her body and give up control completely.By whispering these words you are telling her that you\'re in control and she can trust you.Cool huh?So now you know the secret to giving her orgasm after orgasm... use it wisely!Ok, you have stimulated her with your ki... foreplay techniques and your bumping and grinding, what next?Step 1: Get close to her ear, whilst grinding when you feel her beginning to get wet.Step 2: Slowly and softly say in a low (gravelly) voice... \"I want you to come for me baby\" or \"Relax and come for me baby\" or \"Oooh your pussy is so wet, come for now baby\".Step 3: Keep pounding and continue pounding when she does orgasm, increase the tempo and go until she can\'t catch her breath and is just in ecstasy.I bet you\'re thinking...\"Holy crap, that is the cheesiest thing I\'ve EVER heard! That won\'t work!!\"I thought the same... until I tried it.Saying this stuff before she orgasms works because for a woman to orgasm fully she has to let go of her body and give up control completely.By whispering these words you are telling her that you\'re in control and she can trust you.Cool huh?So now you know the secret to giving her orgasm after orgasm... use it wisely!


Apr 10th @ 10:19pm EDT

EMOTION.Yep, you heard me right.Women want you to make them feel a range of emotions that all connect with each other to make them cum like crazy... again and again.It's up to you to unlock those emotions and be able to influence them at will, so she quite simply cannot control herself.So how do you do it?Before I get into the nitty gritty, let me first quickly run through the difference between a male mind and a female mind.At first glance, when a guy sees an attractive woman, this is what he thinks about... as you already know ;)TitsAssLegsLipsBlowjob... horny stuffEtc...On the other hand, at first glance this is what women think about...IntelligenceHumourFeelingConnectionTrustBlah... blah... blahSo where as men can just have sex and shoot their load on demand... women need to feel a set of emotions to REALLY let go and orgasm like crazy.But it's not enough for them to just feel these emotions, they need to be influenced by you...You are the one who controls her orgasms... both mentally and physically.EMOTION.Yep, you heard me right.Women want you to make them feel a range of emotions that all connect with each other to make them cum like crazy... again and again.It's up to you to unlock those emotions and be able to influence them at will, so she quite simply cannot control herself.So how do you do it?Before I get into the nitty gritty, let me first quickly run through the difference between a male mind and a female mind.At first glance, when a guy sees an attractive woman, this is what he thinks about... as you already know ;)TitsAssLegsLipsBlowjob... horny stuffEtc...On the other hand, at first glance this is what women think about...IntelligenceHumourFeelingConnectionTrustBlah... blah... blahSo where as men can just have sex and shoot their load on demand... women need to feel a set of emotions to REALLY let go and orgasm like crazy.But it's not enough for them to just feel these emotions, they need to be influenced by you...You are the one who controls her orgasms... both mentally and physically.


Apr 10th @ 10:17pm EDT

Is your girl having trouble orgasming?It's surprising how many guys still find it hard to give women an orgasm.I mean aside from understanding all the foreplay tricks and cool techniques that you can use during sex, there's not much else you can do right?She can either orgasm or she can't...Wrong.There's actually one missing ingredient to giving your girl mind blowing... back scratching... lip biting orgasms, that many many guys overlook.It's not your fault though... you're a guy.I mean we're built differently to women, it's like learning a new language and playing a game in that language.Sometimes you forget the rules... you can't be bothered to play the game and other times it's just too damn hard, so you give up!But there is one ingredient that sets us apart from women in the bedroom department.One thing that you must use if you want to triple the amount of orgasms she has in one session.It's surprising how many guys still find it hard to give women an orgasm.I mean aside from understanding all the foreplay tricks and cool techniques that you can use during sex, there's not much else you can do right?She can either orgasm or she can't...Wrong.There's actually one missing ingredient to giving your girl mind blowing... back scratching... lip biting orgasms, that many many guys overlook.It's not your fault though... you're a guy.I mean we're built differently to women, it's like learning a new language and playing a game in that language.Sometimes you forget the rules... you can't be bothered to play the game and other times it's just too damn hard, so you give up!But there is one ingredient that sets us apart from women in the bedroom department.One thing that you must use if you want to triple the amount of orgasms she has in one session.


Apr 10th @ 2:17pm EDT

M6: CLOSE LIKE A LEGEND (SEXY TIME)Once you've built a solid level of rapport, then you need to think about taking her back to your place so you can have sex.THINK ABOUT LOGISTICSLogistics are key to bringing women back. I would always suggest that you take her to a bar which is really close to your apartment, if you can't do that then you may run into trouble when trying to bring her back.Always take a pre-ordered taxi, so you don't have to wait around or get on a bus, which could potentially take a while to get home.MAKE SURE YOUR PLACE IS NICEDon't be a dirtbag, keep your apartment clean and presentable... but also comfortable. If a woman isn't comfortable when she comes back to your place, then you won't be getting any nookie.You need to pimp your pad out and make sure the essentials are there to like:WineCondoms (within reach of the bed, under the pillow or in the bedside draw is what I do)Nice smelling candles, always go down wellSEXUALLY ESCALATE AND... HOPEFULLY HAVE CRAZY WILD SEX :)Turn the dial up on the sexual escalation and get her into your bedroom. Be gentle but dominant, so she doesn't have any last minute resistance.Bust out some foreplay moves and move onto the porn star techniques so you can give her some pillow biting orgasms.CONCLUSIONSo that's the challenge and missions for the next 30 days. It's so crucial that you commit for the full month, if you seriously want to triple the amount of women you sleep with.I've given this same challenge to guys many times before and they've had AMAZING results. So I know it works.One more thing, tell people you are doing the challenge so that you don't chicken out if it's only you that knows.


Apr 10th @ 2:16pm EDT

M4: TEXT HERSo directly after closing (like around 15 minutes), you should text her. It's just a nice touch and allows you to keep the interaction going via text so you can arrange another meetup.CONFIRM A DAY 2Text her and say this..."Hey (name), I still don't agree with you about New York ;) Hope the meeting goes well... Let's meet tomorrow night at (time) near (place)."So I've disagreed with something but in a casual way, which is breaking rapport and I've also wished her luck with something she was doing that day, which is a nice thing to do. Then I simply ended with a statement about meeting.She'll then text back with a joke or something and also confirm the day 2.M5: MEET HER, BUILD RAPPORT AND CONNECTSo now you're on the day 2, this is where the good stuff begins and you can really start to connect with them and escalate both verbally and physically.TAKE HER TO A BARTo keep things simple, just take them to a bar on the second meetup. A low key bar with comfy sofas, so you can chill out in the corner with her. Make sure the music isn't too loud... think lounge bar. Also you need to sit next to her, don't sit across a table, as that acts a barrier and you can't touch her.BUILD RAPPORT AND CONNECTStart building rapport and connecting with her, talk about her passions, what she wants to do with her life... what makes her tick and keep assuming, don't ask boring questions.ESCALATE VERBALLY/PHYSICALLYUse some advanced closing tactics to escalate with her both verbally and physically. This will really turn the heat up and make her think of you in a sexual way.


Apr 10th @ 2:14pm EDT

THE BIG DAWG CHALLENGEWhat you lookin at bitch?It's simple really. You will be following my guidelines for the next 30 days straight. If you do, then I guarantee you will sleep with 3 times as many women as you do now.It should take no more than 1 hour per day and can actually be done in 30 minutes if you want to rush things. But I'm a fan of building rapport and connecting to make the interaction more solid so the number doesn't flake, but it's up to you.YOUR MISSIONSBelow is everything you need to get the results I'm talking about... and it's not just about technique, it's also about appearance (outer game) and confidence (inner game), so as you can imagine this will seriously impact your life in a positive way if you follow through with it.What you lookin at bitch?It's simple really. You will be following my guidelines for the next 30 days straight. If you do, then I guarantee you will sleep with 3 times as many women as you do now.It should take no more than 1 hour per day and can actually be done in 30 minutes if you want to rush things. But I'm a fan of building rapport and connecting to make the interaction more solid so the number doesn't flake, but it's up to you.YOUR MISSIONSBelow is everything you need to get the results I'm talking about... and it's not just about technique, it's also about appearance (outer game) and confidence (inner game), so as you can imagine this will seriously impact your life in a positive way if you follow through with it.


Apr 10th @ 2:13pm EDT

Ok, I've got a challenge for you.But first I have a question...Are you happy with the amount of women you sleep with on a weekly basis?I mean smiling from ear to ear happy... with both the quality and quantity of women?If the answer is "Hell NO!" then you're going to love what I have in store for you today.It's what I like to call "the big dawg rapid transformation challenge" and is designed to take you from someone who basically never gets laid... to someone who gets laid a minimum of once per week with a different girl.Now you might be thinking... "Well, it's easy to sleep with a new girl every week, I can just go to a bar on a Friday and pick up a desperate girl who's DTF."That's completely fine if you like those types of girls... but personally, I like pretty girls who aren't skanks and make me feel happy when I'm with them.I want to wake up the next morning feeling awesome, not with a feeling of dread because I'd slept with a smelly, fat little hobbit who looked "ok" after 5 pints of Heineken. Yuck!This is why this challenge is so cool.It gives you the outline which you follow on a daily basis, to approach... attract and close girls you find cute during the day.It's not really a daygame thing though, you can approach them in bars and nightclubs too if you like. I just think it works better in the day to be honest.So... enough with the waffle, let's get onto the challenge itself.


Apr 10th @ 2:12pm EDT

6 super kinky ways to tease a woman1. BITE HER LIPWhen both of your clothes are still on and you're kissing in the bedroom, bite her bottom lip slowly and hold on to it for a couple of seconds. Be VERY gentle, the softer you can do this the more passionate it will feel and the more turned on she will become.2. KISS HER NECK (AND EARLOBES)Move from her lips on her cheek and then onto her neck and earlobes. Both licking and kissing at the same time. The earlobes are very sensitive so, spend a minute on those before going back to the next.3. TICKLE HER BACKWhilst you're kissing her, use both hands to tickle her back (over her clothes) then put your hands directly under her top. Lightly scratch her back whilst still kissing her... this will make her shiver a little.With either hand, gently and slowly unclasp her bra (if you can do it with one hand it looks much better) but two are fine. If you can't undo a bra, then start practicing son!4. BE FIRMEvery now and again you need to mix the teasing up with being both firm AND gentle, so she doesn't know what's coming next (this will spice things up in no time).Grab her hands, lay her down on the bed and put her arms above her head... if she struggles then hold her arms.. and slowly run your hands down her arms... kissing her all the way down to her belly button.5. DON'T BE PREDICTABLEStop going straight for the boobs and pussy straight away, that's not teasing... it's just being predictable. Only go for the boobs when her top is off and you've kiss her neck, chest and stomach.When you start kissing her boobs, always kiss around the nipples first on either side, then look up at her as you FINALLY lick her nipples. She'll let out a groan and arch her back, which is great sign she's enjoying it.You can also gently bite one nipple with the lightest of bites and twiddle the other one, giving her double the pleasure, heck throw in a pinch if you want... and gauge her reaction to everything so you can see what's best.6. BOTTOM TO TOPWith her top and bra removed, the only things left are her panties (and jeans or whatever she's wearing). Go back up to her head and kiss her again, working your way down past the boobs and stomach, then hover over her pussy.Slowly remove her jeans or whatever she has on (and also her knickers), then begin kissing from her left (or right) foot all the way up her leg.Take a good 2 to 3 minutes per leg, because she'll be getting so turned on by this point, she'll be ready to eat you up.Once you've done the first leg and you're back near the pussy, brush your lips over her little lady garden... making sure you breathe heavily on her along the way.Start again on the other foot and work your way up.Once you've reach her pussy again... she'll be more than ready to fuck!


Apr 10th @ 2:12pm EDT

Foreplay is important.Like super important.And it's actually REALLY easy/fun once you 1) understand what foreplay tips work best and 2) like the girl you're using your ninja foreplay skills on (as in she's great in bed).When it comes to foreplay there are a ton of things you can do and multiple areas you can delve into... for example:If your girl likes to be dominated you can focus on more sex toys and props that will appeal to her naughty sideYou might find a girl that likes to listen to your voice whilst you whisper what you're going to do to her.There are even some girls who get a kick out of just pleasing their men and not wanting anything else in return (we're all trying to find one of those right??).So as you can see there are layers to foreplay that you must explore if you want to truly excite a woman in the bedroom.Today I'm going to touch on one of the my favourite foreplay techniques which works like a charm... every time and guarantees that she'll have an orgasm, because the sexual tension is so high.It's the art of teasing women in bed and it drives them WILD!The aim is to get her to the point where, she's jumping on top of you BEGGING you to bang her brains out.QUICK TIP: If you want to bypass the basics and learn the advanced techniques that will make women stalk you because you are SOOOOO good in bed, then I strongly suggest you watch this video.So let's get into it...


Apr 10th @ 2:11pm EDT

THE 9 TYPES OF FEMALE ORGASMSBefore we get into each one, you need to understand that there are two categories in which these female orgasms fall under... the first is "foreplay" and the second is "penetration".FOREPLAY ORGASMSAlways start off with foreplay, it's going to make the sex SOOO much better for the woman, she'll have more penetration orgasms and will be your little puppy dog afterwards because you hit the spot so many times.Nipple orgasm - This is a hit and miss type of jolly. Some women can't actually get off from stimulating their nipples, so it's good to put this out there as a test and gauge their reaction first.Clitoral orgasm - Think of this as a "warm up" orgasm. Yes women can get off with this one, but they are NEVER as full on as the deep spot orgasm.Deep spot orgasm - Known as the "initial internal orgasm" this is the first of what women will feel during foreplay and involves the fingers.G-spot orgasm - The sister of the "deep spot", the g-spot orgasm is slightly less intense but still widely known and appreciated by women.PENETRATION ORGASMSFull penetration should start around 20 to 30 minutes after you have applied all the right foreplay techniques.Vaginal orgasm - The most normal type of orgasm and has some relation to the "deep spot". Most women will find it hard to achieve this type if there is no foreplay involved.Anal orgasm - Technically not possible as there is no G-spot in the anus for women, however clitoral or vaginal orgasm occurs through the mental stimulation of your little guy entering her in the 'ol exit hole.Multiple orgasms - This happens once you hit the same spot again and again. Each orgasm has a few seconds (to several minutes) between each other.Continuous orgasm - THE BIG ONE! Take note on this one guys, because once you nail this... it's going to keep her orgasming until you stop and will make her exhausted. Each orgasm carries a certain level of sexual excitement, but with continuous orgasm you just keep pumping away... harder... and faster for as long as you can.What will happen is the orgasm will just carry on. Now it needs to be noted that most women (like 99%) cannot do this, so they need to be told that it CAN happen before and during sex. IF you can pull this off, then there's a chance that she may become hooked on you and come back for more.Squirting orgasm - Time to get freaky deaky baby! Most women will NEVER have experienced this and most men will have NEVER attempted it, but when it happens, it's awesome.The woman will squirt everywhere and just feel an all over body orgasm that will keep them shivering for a few minutes. I show you how to perform a squirting orgasm... if you're interested that it.That's all dude, those are the 9 types of female orgasms that you need to know about. If you want to get to mastery level... then check out these guys.


Apr 10th @ 2:09pm EDT

THINGS TO REMEMBERGet some high quality lube - Water based lube is the best as it can be used with condoms also. You can still make a woman orgasm without lube, but it's not recommended.Buy spare sheets - If she's a "gusher" then you're going to be going through a lot of sheets dude.Spruce up your place - Make sure your apartment is presentable, clean and comfortable. If she's not comfortable, then you'll have a hard time making her squirt.Take your time - It's not a race, most girls will take around 20 to 30 minutes before you can make them squirt. However if you see the girl more than once and she's very comfortable sexually around you, it will be seconds to a few minutes.So that's how to make women squirt on demand... even though they are the basics they still work wonders. If you want to get more advanced with orgasms I suggest you watch this video.Squirting orgasms are seriously easy when you get the first one down, because you're way more confident the next time.THINGS TO REMEMBERTHINGS TO REMEMBERGet some high quality lube - Water based lube is the best as it can be used with condoms also. You can still make a woman orgasm without lube, but it's not recommended.Buy spare sheets - If she's a "gusher" then you're going to be going through a lot of sheets dude.Spruce up your place - Make sure your apartment is presentable, clean and comfortable. If she's not comfortable, then you'll have a hard time making her squirt.Take your time - It's not a race, most girls will take around 20 to 30 minutes before you can make them squirt. However if you see the girl more than once and she's very comfortable sexually around you, it will be seconds to a few minutes.So that's how to make women squirt on demand... even though they are the basics they still work wonders. If you want to get more advanced with orgasms I suggest you watch this video.Squirting orgasms are seriously easy when you get the first one down, because you're way more confident the next time.


Apr 10th @ 2:08pm EDT

TECHNIQUE 1: STROKINGGet warmed up with this technique.Ok so the first the first technique is called "stroking". To do this, take your index finger or middle finger... place it inside the vagina and go up, so you are touching the front wall.Now with your finger inside and touching the G-spot, begin stroking backwards and forwards, with a "come here" motion as if you're stroking it. Don't be too gentle, you need to be firm.Start with shorter slower strokes when you first enter, but build up momentum and speed up after a few minutes. Once she's really getting into it, try two fingers (your index and middle fingers) and use the same stroking motion.Never use 2 fingers right away, always begin with 1.TECHNIQUE 2: OVERDRIVEKick it into overdrive and make her go crazy!Right then... this is where the magic happens. Now that you've been stimulating the G-spot and stroking it for 10 to 15 minutes. You should feel it ballooning inside and she should be groaning with pleasure.This is the point where you want to take things into "overdrive". For this you will need to be right beside her (like on your knees if you're on the bed" and use both your middle finger and ring finger to penetrate the same spot.Now with your fingers inside, you need to rest the palm of your hand on the clitorous, almost cupping it. Once you're in position, begin slowly stroking, whilst speeding up and then start to pull your hand up and down so you stimulate the clit at the same time.Speed up some more and be a lot firmer as you're speeding up......Speed up EVEN more.... now some more.... and finally go as fast as you can until she climaxes (squirts) all over the bed.Now not all women will squirt, but a lot will. I've only had one girl who couldn't squirt and I did everything correctly. You should feel the vaginal wall tighten and put pressure on your fingers, this means you've done the job well.Boom! You're all done!By now your hands... the bed and her vagina should be covered in her love juice. Don't worry it's not pee, like some guys think. It's ejaculate fluid which comes out of the urethra, not the vagina.The female ejaculation fluid comes from the skene's gland and has a sweet taste to it (due to the glucose contents).


Apr 10th @ 2:07pm EDT

HOW TO MAKE WOMEN SQUIRT... FOREPLAY TECHNIQUES FOR THE G-SPOTThis is the good stuff, grab a coffee and take note big man:LUBE UP FIRSTTo intensify the pleasure, you should use a water based lube when using finger based foreplay which is what you will be doing here to make her squirt.A great natural lubricant is grape seed oil, which is also awesome for massaging as well as G-spot stimulation with the fingers.GET YOUR HANDS READYRemember that the vagina is a very sensitive area for a woman, so you must look after your hands... cut your nails, moisturise and keep them clean so they are soft and smooth.I'd even recommend getting a manicure.. yes I know it's not manly, but it will make sure your hands are ready for her.LOCATE THE G-SPOTThe big "G" is a part of the urethral sponge and is located between 1 and 2 inches (2 knuckles) inside the vagina, along the front wall, which is the top if the girl was laying on her back basically.As a woman becomes a lot more aroused, you should feel the G-spot swell up and become more pronounced, this is a GOOD sign that she's ready to be penetrated... but we want to save that for later as the aim here is to make her squirt.

Inna > Boom Boom

Apr 5th @ 6:15pm EDT

If you hear my song baby put your hands up let me meet you back with a bit of my heart If you hear my song baby put your hands up Just put your hands up, put your hands up Can you hear just boom boom boom boom boom My heart is going boom boom boom for you Can't you hear this boom boom boom boom boom My heart is calling, calling, calling. Can't you hear this boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom My heart is calling, calling, calling. My heart is calling, calling, calling, calling.. Can you hear this boom boom boom boom boom My heart is going boom boom boom for you Can't you hear this boom boom boom boom boom My heart is calling, calling, calling... Can't you hear this boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom... My heart is calling, calling, calling... Everything is spinning now we just can't stop Moving to the rhythm, baby, you're so hot Now, if you love me, just put your hands up Just put your hands up, up, up, up, up... If you hear my song, baby, put your hands up Put your hands in the air Let me lead you back with the beat of my heart If you hear my song, baby, put your hands up Just put your hands up, put your hands up. My heart is calling, calling, calling. Can you hear this boom boom boom boom My heart is going boom boom boom for you Cant you hear this boom boom boom boom boom My heart is calling, calling, calling. Can't you hear this boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom... My heart is calling, calling, calling.

Inna > Amazing

Apr 5th @ 6:15pm EDT

Dangerous feelings break out my soul It's just the meaning of being alone I need you here wherever you are I need you now to take me so far I wanna run like the speed of the sound I was somewhere, I feel you're around You give me now the meaning of life... With you I'm feeling alive Why you're lookin' like that I'm burning like fire I wanna be higher Just let me know Why you're lookin' like that You're driving me crazy You're lookin' amazing Why you're lookin' like that I'm burning like fire I wanna be higher Just let me know Why you're lookin' like that You're driving me crazy You're lookin' amazing Why you're lookin' like that I'm burning like fire I wanna be higher Just let me know Why you're lookin' like that You're driving me crazy You're lookin' amazing Why you're lookin' like that I'm burning like fire I wanna be higher Just let me know Why you're lookin' like that You're driving me crazy You're lookin' amazingDangerous feelings break out my soul It's just the meaning of being alone I need you here wherever you are I need you now to take me so far I wanna run like the speed of the sound I was somewhere, I feel you're around You give me now the meaning of life... With you I'm feeling alive Why you're lookin' like that I'm burning like fire I wanna be higher Just let me know Why you're lookin' like that You're driving me crazy You're lookin' amazing Why you're lookin' like that I'm burning like fire I wanna be higher Just let me know Why you're lookin' like that You're driving me crazy You're lookin' amazing Why you're lookin' like that I'm burning like fire I wanna be higher Just let me know Why you're lookin' like that You're driving me crazy You're lookin' amazing Why you're lookin' like that I'm burning like fire I wanna be higher Just let me know Why you're lookin' like that You're driving me crazy You're lookin' amazing

Inna > Alright

Apr 5th @ 6:14pm EDT

I can't say that I don't love you no more I'll never try to go and hurt you My head is faithfull And my heart goes up and down But I'll stay here and pretend it's fine I don't mind if you don't thrill me no more I'd rather die than say it's over It's too painfull to see love is gone So I'll stay here and pretend it's Alright It's Alright, it's Alright Padadadada It's Alright, it's Alright..... You don't care And you don't want me no more But it's hard to see the game is over It's too stressfull t o see love is gone So we'll stay here and pretend it's Alright We don't need to go We don't need to stay We don't want to know Love is gone way We'd rather stay blind for a while Je ne peux pas dire que je t'aime plus Je n'essayerais jamais de partir et te blesser Ma tete est fidle Et mon coeur a des hauts et des bas Mais je resterais l et prtendrais que a va Ca m'est gal Si tu ne me passiones plus Plutot mourir que te dire que c'est fini C'est trop douloureux de voir que l'amour est mort Donc je resterais la et prtendrais que tout va bien It's Alright, it's Alright Pada da da da da It's Alright, it's alright Tout t'es gal et tu ne m'aime plus Mais c'est trop dur de voir que notre amour est mort Donc on restera l et on prtendra que tout va bien On n'a pas besoin de partir On n'a pas besoin de rester On ne veut pas savoir que notre amour est mort On prfre rester aveugle

Inna > 2nite

Apr 5th @ 6:13pm EDT

They think is wrong I don't care about the world You're here this night All the night you're by my side (2x) I can't get off cause I feel inside I have been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonight I've been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonght They think is wrong I don't care about the world You're here this night All the night you're by my side (2x) I can't get off cause I feel inside I have been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonight I've been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonght I have been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonight I've been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonght I have been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonight I've been sad every night I can smile tonght,tonghtThey think is wrong I don't care about the world You're here this night All the night you're by my side (2x) I can't get off cause I feel inside I have been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonight I've been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonght They think is wrong I don't care about the world You're here this night All the night you're by my side (2x) I can't get off cause I feel inside I have been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonight I've been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonght I have been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonight I've been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonght I have been sad every night I can smile tonight,tonight I've been sad every night I can smile tonght,tonght

Inna > 10 Minutes

Apr 5th @ 6:12pm EDT

Rock your body , c'mon everybody Somebody stop me , when I dance I'm losing control You see me yo , this is stereo I wanna hear my song one time on the radio I'm gonna do this step by step do it anyway got to feel your loving I'm gonna break even the law of the gravity to see you in the morning Let me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes ago Shake shake shake your body, move on the floor like ten minutes ago Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace, dj turn off the bass Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace , everybody do it on the floor I'm gonna do this step by step do it anyway got to feel your loving I'm gonna break even the law of gravity to see you in the morning Let me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes ago Shake shake shake your body, move on the floor like ten minutes ago Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace, dj turn off the bass Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace , everybody do it on the floor Rock your body , c'mon everybody Somebody stop me , when I dance I'm losing control You see me yo , this is stereo I wanna hear my song one time on the radio I'm gonna do this step by step do it anyway got to feel your loving I'm gonna break even the law of gravity to see you in the morning Let me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes ago Shake shake shake your body, move on the floor like ten minutes ago Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace, dj turn off the bass Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace , everybody do it on the floor

Rio Roma > Por eso te amo

Mar 30th @ 1:40pm EDT

Por cmo me miras y me dices tanto cuando dices nada Por cmo me tocas con esa mirada que acaricia el alma Y por cmo me abrazas, por eso te amo hu hu hu!! Porque cuando le ped al cielo que mandara un ngel Me llev hasta ti y antes de pensar en alguien Pienso en ti primero incluso antes de m Porque atrapas mi atencin, eres mi aventura, mi emocin y mi inspiracin Por eso yo te amo porque eres ms de lo que haba soado Porque amo tu ternura y me vuelve loco tu pasin Porque nadie me hace sentir como t en el amor Por eso yo te amo Soy tu dueo pero tambin soy tu esclavo Y si acaso alguna vez te has cuestionado la razn Y por lo que sea nunca me lo has preguntado Aqu tengo tanto amor Por cmo me inspiras y me vuelves loco cuando nos amamos Porque haces cada da extraordinario Y cada noche es perfecta en tus labios Tu piel es mi espacio hu hu hu!! Porque cuando le ped al cielo que mandara un ngel Me llev hasta ti y antes de pensar en alguien Pienso en ti primero incluso antes de m Porque atrapas mi atencin, eres mi aventura, mi emocin y mi inspiracin Por eso yo te amo porque eres ms de lo que haba soado Porque amo tu ternura y me vuelve loco tu pasin Porque nadie me hace sentir como t en el amor Por eso yo te amo Soy tu dueo pero tambin soy tu esclavo Y si acaso alguna vez te has cuestionado la razn Y por lo que sea nunca me lo has preguntado Aqu tengo tanto amor Porque son tus brazos al lugar perfecto a donde pertenezco Porque si te tengo, tengo todo En ti tengo todo... por eso te amo!!

Bruno Mars > Locked Out Of Heaven

Mar 30th @ 1:39pm EDT

One, two, one, two, three Oh yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah yeah Ooh! Oh yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah yeah Ooh! Never had much faith in love or miracles Never wanna put my heart on deny But swimming in your world is something spiritual I'm gonna get every time you spank the night Cause your sex takes me to paradise Yeah your sex takes me to paradise And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long Oh yeah yeah yeah Ooh! Oh yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah yeah Ooh! You bring me to my knees You make me testify You can make simian change his ways Open up your gates cause I can't wait to see the light And right there is where I wanna stay Cause your sex takes me to paradise Yeah your sex takes me to paradise And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long Oh oh oh oh, yeah, yeah, yeah Can't I just stay here Spend the rest of my days here Oh oh oh oh, yeah, yeah, yeah Can't I just stay here Spend the rest of my days here Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long Oh yeah yeah yeah Ooh! Oh yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah yeah Ooh!

Rihanna > Diamonds

Mar 30th @ 1:38pm EDT

Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Find light in the beautiful sea I choose to be happy You and I, you and I We're like diamonds in the sky You're a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy When you hold me, I'm alive We're like diamonds in the sky I knew that we'd become one right away A right away At first sight I left the energy of sun rays I saw the life inside your, eyes So shine bright, tonight you and I We're like beautiful diamonds in the sky Eye to eye, so alive We're like beautiful diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond So shine bright, tonight you and I We're like beautiful diamonds in the sky Eye to eye, so alive We're like beautiful diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Palms rise to the universe As we moonshine and molly Feel de warmth we'll never die We're like diamonds in the sky You're a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy When you hold me, I'm alive We're like diamonds in the sky At first sight I felt the energy of un rays I saw the inside your eyes Eye to eye, so alive We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Ahhhhhhhhh... Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond

Adele > Someone Like You

Mar 30th @ 1:37pm EDT

I heard that you're settled down, That you found a girl and you're married now, I heard that your dreams came true, Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you, Old friend, why are you so shy? Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light, I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited, But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it, I had hoped you'd see my face, And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over, Never mind, I'll find someone like you, I wish nothing but the best for you, too, Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love, But sometimes it hurts instead," Sometimes it lasts in love, But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah, You know how the time flies, Only yesterday was the time of our lives, We were born and raised in a summer haze, Bound by the surprise of our glory days, I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited, But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it, I had hoped you'd see my face, And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over, Never mind, I'll find someone like you, I wish nothing but the best for you, too, Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love, But sometimes it hurts instead," Nothing compares, No worries or cares, Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made, Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste? Nevermind, I'll find someone like you, I wish nothing but the best for you, Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love, But sometimes it hurts instead," Nevermind, I'll find someone like you, I wish nothing but the best for you, too, Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love, But sometimes it hurts instead," Sometimes it lasts in love, But sometimes it hurts instead.

Camila > Contigo quiero estar

Mar 30th @ 1:36pm EDT

Quisiera ser pensamiento para estar dentro de ti y saber por lo menos si piensas a diario en mi una maana te vi en la tarde recorde estuviste en mi sueo y jamas te olvide me enloquece verte, me fascina mirarte, mi sueo es tenerte y que de mi vida formes parte hoy mantengo la ilusion quiza sea una locura y es que lo que siento por ti hasta la fecha perdura, son tus ojos, tu rostro y esa forma de ser las que dia con dia me hacen enloquecer aun no lo puedo creer el sentimiento va en aumento me has robado el aliento y se lo grito a los cuatro vientos contemplo el firmamento e imagino su silueta se estanco en mi pensamiento y mi corazon mas inquieta esta grieta mi corazon ha sanado yo completo mujer que me has hecho que me has vuelto un loco en efecto *CORO* De tus ojos y de tu forma de ser me enamoro cada ves que quiero verte amor ohuooo miro el tiempo y no lo puedo parar que contigo es con quien quiero estar amor uhouooo Tu mirada me enloquece y me pongo a temblar y es que siempre pienso en ti no dejo de suspirar veo la luna y las estrellas me ilumina el cielo poder estar contigo es lo que mas anhelo puedo pasar pruebas de fuego para estar junto a ti, eres la duea de mi alma eres quien me hace feliz quiero entregarte mi vida, quiero entregarte mi ser, quiero entregarte mi amor a ti hermoza mujer es que solo pienso en ti lo hago a diario todo el tiempo y que mas puedo pedir si te llevo en mi pensamiento no se como explicar todo lo que me esta pasando yo te conoci y ahora me estoy enamorando y no se como paso no lo podia creer de repente entro a mi vida una hermoza mujer la que me hace enloquecer cuando me voltea ver sus ojos hermosos dulces como la miel. Y es que te llevo en mi a donde quiera que vaya un segundo sin ti y este hombre ya te extraa te doy mi vida te obsequi mi corazon desde lo mas profundo para ti esta cancion te quiero habitate en mi interior ha sanado la herida ha sanado el dolor mi temor se ha ido se que nunca volvera estoy seguro que este amor permanecera *CORO* De tus ojos y de tu forma de ser me enamoro cada ves que quiero verte amor ohuooo miro el tiempo y no lo puedo parar que contigo es con quien quiero estar amor uhouooo 2y no lo puedo parar que contigo es con quien quiero estar amor uhouooo 2


Mar 25th @ 9:08am EDT

ScoreBaby gave me head while I was playing a video game last night.That's fucking awesome.She was in the bedroom watching Breaking Bad and came into the living room, laid down a cushion on the floor beside the chair I was in and started sucking me off.Fucking awesome.She was hoping to make it a challenge for me. To see if I would actually be able to play the game while she went down on me. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I had just gotten done with a really hard part when she started. If she had started a few minutes earlier I would have seriously gotten my ass kicked. i think this will be a great expiriment to try in the future, to see how long I can last.Also, I was nowhere near in the frame of mind to be thinking about sex, thus I was completely flaccid. It made me feel a little self-conscious but it's one of my favorite things in the world, to start soft and feel myself get hard inside her mouth.Awesome. ScoreBaby gave me head while I was playing a video game last night.That's fucking awesome.She was in the bedroom watching Breaking Bad and came into the living room, laid down a cushion on the floor beside the chair I was in and started sucking me off.Fucking awesome.She was hoping to make it a challenge for me. To see if I would actually be able to play the game while she went down on me. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I had just gotten done with a really hard part when she started. If she had started a few minutes earlier I would have seriously gotten my ass kicked. i think this will be a great expiriment to try in the future, to see how long I can last.Also, I was nowhere near in the frame of mind to be thinking about sex, thus I was completely flaccid. It made me feel a little self-conscious but it's one of my favorite things in the world, to start soft and feel myself get hard inside her mouth.Awesome.

We should\'ve skipped lunch

Mar 25th @ 9:07am EDT

We should\'ve skipped lunchWhen my girl is working and I am not, fairly often, we\'ll end up talking dirty through texts (what the ki.. call \"sexting\") to each other. I like the idea of her getting turned on at work where she can\'t really do anything about it. Also it works great for building anticipation.Often these conversations can get pretty damn hot. I\'m not the best at talking dirty but sometimes I like to let my inner phone sex worker come out. The conversation we had yesterday (at least in my opinion) is an example of one of the hot ones.I am on the right and she is on the left. Two pics were exchanged by the end of it, but I decided to leave those out.We should\'ve skipped lunch and had sex instead... Im horny ;)Really??Ha ha yesY u so horny babe? :)Just am. Last night was really nice.It was really nice. I\'m glad you liked it :)Guess your\'e gonna have to take care of me tonight ;)Hmm it\'s going to be a long day ;) I hope you have plenty to think about thenLol I do. I can draw from more than just last night ;)Oh yeah like what?Hmm let\'s see - last night with your tongue - that night I woke up to you playing with me (especially that) a few othersMmmm that night was really good...So would you like it if I were using my tongue on you now?Hell yesWould you like my warm mouth sucking on your pussy?Mmm I bet it would be so wetYep. I want to tie you up and sit on your faceThat really turns me on babyGood ;) Now you know how I\'m feeling right now lolLol yeah I\'m laying here in bed thinking about itDifference is I get to play ;)I think that\'s going to need to happen tonight.Lol jerk! ;)I think it should ;)But you still don\'t have me there ;)You still horny?Yes, moresoI want you to go to the restroom and email me a pic of your pussyWhat?!?Just take a pic and send it to meOk sent lolMmmm baby I wish my mouth was down thereMe tooAre you playing? Take a pic for me...Yeah I am ;)Where\'s my pic??Damn I want to sit on itYou got to suck on it first baby ;)I can do that...What u doing??Getting ready to go back to workAww :(Yup :(Maybe not the hottest typed out like that, but I\'d say it was pretty fucking thrilling at least from my point of view, especially with the pics.

Out Of The Closet

Mar 25th @ 9:05am EDT

Out Of The ClosetWell it had to happen sooner or later.My girlfriend found my blog. I have been keeping it a secret from her. She saw the the pic I used on my Score post on my tumblr (you do follow me on tumblr, right?) and became very curious. I had previously emailed that pic to her as a little token of the great time we had. Apparently she scoured the internet and found my Facebook page. I've since given her the moniker "Snoopy" and will refer to her as such indefinitely.I am not really that bothered by it. I was eventually going to show it to her myself, but I wasn't quite ready, but oh well.Actually I feel very relieved since she found out. For one, I don't have to sneak around anymore to make posts, work social media etc. so now I can give this blog the proper attention. Most importantly I think it's brought us closer together. She apparently really liked what she read and even decided to start her own blog. You can read a little bit more about her thoughts on finding my blog on her post there. Another pretty cool thing is that I feel like I have a partner now when it comes to running this here blog. You might notice a little better composition in my writing from now on. Out Of The ClosetWell it had to happen sooner or later.My girlfriend found my blog. I have been keeping it a secret from her. She saw the the pic I used on my Score post on my tumblr (you do follow me on tumblr, right?) and became very curious. I had previously emailed that pic to her as a little token of the great time we had. Apparently she scoured the internet and found my Facebook page. I've since given her the moniker "Snoopy" and will refer to her as such indefinitely.I am not really that bothered by it. I was eventually going to show it to her myself, but I wasn't quite ready, but oh well.Actually I feel very relieved since she found out. For one, I don't have to sneak around anymore to make posts, work social media etc. so now I can give this blog the proper attention. Most importantly I think it's brought us closer together. She apparently really liked what she read and even decided to start her own blog. You can read a little bit more about her thoughts on finding my blog on her post there. Another pretty cool thing is that I feel like I have a partner now when it comes to running this here blog. You might notice a little better composition in my writing from now on.

Lazy Days (by Snoopy aka my girl)

Mar 25th @ 9:04am EDT

Lazy Days (by Snoopy aka my girl)We don't usually get a day off together, which makes for a rough week most weeks. But today is different. And it started off with a bang!Last night we enjoyed some amazing sex after a few fun purchases from the toy store (wink,wink) and then I had an awesome night's sleep. This morning we had breakfast, but I was hungry for more...He wanted to take a nap, but I had something else in mind. It didn't take much convincing. Some light stroking and ear nibbles did the trick. I was aching for him to touch me again. He started playing outside my shorts, softly rubbing my clit, while I teased his cock with both hands. I alternated from squeezing to just soft grazing, attempting to drive him crazy. I think it was working.I wanted to put it in my mouth, but didn't want to move because he was doing so well with his fingers. After a few minutes, his hand went under my little shorts and I was wet before I knew what was happening. Dizzy with his fingering pleasure, I started jerking him harder and squeezing tighter with my right hand while I grabbed the side of the mattress with my left. I knew he was going to take me to the edge with his finger strumming my clit so perfectly.I felt the heat start from his finger and travel through me like lightening. I squeezed him tighter and tighter and my moaning became screaming just as I burst, releasing the tension he had given me over the last ten minutes. This was the first time anyone had ever made me come like this, besides myself, of course.Now that I was taken care of, I put my mouth around the tip of his cock and teased him with my tongue. Then I straddled him and we finally took off my shorts. When he put himself inside me, I was still wet. It felt perfect sliding in. I alternated between teasing the tip and letting him completely inside me, quickly driving him insane. I love being on top because I can see the ecstasy on his face and how much he enjoys me.We ended the pleasure-fest with me on my back, ankles around his neck as he exploded inside me.Now, I think it's time for that nap!

Why Cock Rings

Mar 25th @ 9:00am EDT

Why Cock RingsWell I've always been a little puzzled by cock rings. It might seem a little odd to the some of the readers of this blog, but I've never actually understood the purpose of them nor the appeal.Maybe they're just for show? Like decoration.Or maybe it's a pain thing? I'm a little turned off by notion of pain to the genitals so that never interested me.I did a little research and found out some of my assumptions were in correct.Apparently a cock ring is most often used to make an erect penis harder and bigger, to keep it that way for a longer amount of time, and to delay and heighten orgasm. Cock rings work by constricting blood flow, keeping blood in the shaft of the penis. When a wearer finally does ejaculate, the sensation is more intense, since it took a longer time to come, and because the penis is filled with additional blood.Guys use cock rings with partners and/or by themselves. Some are actual rings as their name suggests, made of metal or rubber. Since these cock rings are not adjustable, the right size needs to be chosen for a proper fit. For example, one that fits too tightly could be hard to remove and could cut off circulation in the penis entirely. Metal rings can cause a rash or other skin reactions in some men, so this is something to consider when shopping around. Adjustable cock rings made of rawhide or leather straps are easier for beginners to use since the fit can be changed, and taking them off is more manageable. Avoid using cock ring substitutes; rubber bands, binder clips, and vices, for example, cause too much constriction.Cock rings fit over the shaft and the testicles/scrotum when a man is not erect. Ball by ball, the testicles go through, then the penis shaft dives in head first through the remaining ring space. The ideal cock ring stays in place when the penis is soft, yet it can fairly easily slip off or unsnap when the penis is hard. Lube can be added to make putting rings on and taking them off a little easier -- something that works for finger and toe rings, too.Adult-oriented stores with genital jewelry departments sometimes have fitting rooms where you can try on merchandise. If you're into advanced planning, you, or your partner, can measure your penile girth, or approximate how many of your fingers bunched together equal the thickness of their fleshy friend. The flexibility of rubber and other elasticized cock rings allows a greater range of fit for more differently endowed men, but they are not one-size-fits-all.For safety and pleasure, a cock ring needs to increase the size of the erection only slightly. If you notice more pronounced swelling, then the fit is too tight. In that case, take the cock ring off immediately. It's also vital for men to take off their cock ring at the first sign of pain or if the genitals feel cold. In addition, it's dangerous to leave a ring on for too long, including wearing one to sleep when spontaneous erections are all the rage. An erection of several hours can cause blood coagulation in the penis, making it difficult to lose the erection. This is called priapism, a prolonged erection. Since new blood cannot enter the penis, this can be severely painful and cause permanent damage to the erectile tissue. If this happens to you, seek medical attention as soon as possible, and don't worry -- the staff at the ER has seen this before.Another place you might want to forgo a cock ring around your penis is the airport. In these high-security times, metal detectors will catch some of these penis-erectors that are tricky to explain and/or remove for closer inspection.I now might consider trying one of these out to see if I like it. Any thoughts or experiences?

Saturday Night Special

Mar 25th @ 8:57am EDT

Saturday Night SpecialAll I can say is WOW. We had just had an argument the night before. Emotions were still high Saturday all day. We worked things out over dinner, then took a trip to the toy store on the edge of town. A new toy for me, "Binding Love" cuffs and collar for him, and a feather tickler for us both.He does amazing things to me when he touches me anyway, but the tickler was just raw awesomeness! I've always been a believer that if 2 wrong people get into bed together, it can be a bad experience even if both are genuinely really sensual and sexy people. But when you get the right chemistry between 2 right people, it's, well... addicting! Especially when we are making up...We tried out the new silicone vibrating toy on me, and I really enjoyed it. It's something that if I were to use alone, it would still be a great experience. But, when he's touching me the way he does and savoring my body with his hungry eyes, it's pure heaven. I would bite my lip from the pleasure he was providing and I could literally feel the passion coming out of every pore of him.He held back some when he used the "fun-tool" on me. And did it like a pro. I knew he wanted to be the one to give me full pleasure. It certainly sent me to feelings of electrifying passion though! We actually thought we broke it at one point, but turns out it just adjusts for more fun (ha ha!)Once he was inside me, I really don't remember much. Just that I slept like a baby after we were through...The "Binding Love" cuffs and collar were forgotten as we couldn't get enough of each other and didn't want to leave for a second. I'm sure he'll be requesting a "tie-up" night soon enough, some day when I've been a bad girl. So I intend to be bad very, very soon. ;)

the guys love hand job

Mar 25th @ 8:55am EDT

I Love Hand JobsFirst off let me apologize, Because of business and other personal projects I haven't really had the time (or energy) to blog very much. However that doesn't mean that I've not had the time to have some great SEX!! I have and I will be writing about it in the next few days.Ok, now that that's out of the way let me tell you what's really on my mind - I LOVE HANDJOBS!!!Like, a lot. I don't really feel like going into why right now, maybe I will in another post, but I want to at least say that, aside from sex itself, it is probably one of my favorite sexual acts.Unfortunately for me, my baby doesn't share the same enthusiasm for them as I do. Apparently, she feels she's not very good at them, which in turn discourages her from doing them (what!?) crazy I know. As an aside, while I'm on that subject let me make a request, guys (and girls too!) help a brutha out and let her know in the comments below that pretty much any attention given down there will be welcomed. The only bad hand job is the one you don't give.It'll give her some encouragement ;)Anyway, back to the original point of this post. Among some of the incredibly hot things we've done recently were, not one, but TWO hand jobs and both to FULL orgasmRock \m/Oh fuck those feel so good. I love exploding in her hand.So how do you feel about hand jobs?I'm curious to see if others are as enthusiastic as I am about them so I threw up a poll at the top.Oh and it can count for giving as well as receiving :) Ok peeps that's it for now. Happy blogging and hand jobs for everyone!!!!I Love Hand JobsFirst off let me apologize, Because of business and other personal projects I haven't really had the time (or energy) to blog very much. However that doesn't mean that I've not had the time to have some great SEX!! I have and I will be writing about it in the next few days.Ok, now that that's out of the way let me tell you what's really on my mind - I LOVE HANDJOBS!!!Like, a lot. I don't really feel like going into why right now, maybe I will in another post, but I want to at least say that, aside from sex itself, it is probably one of my favorite sexual acts.Unfortunately for me, my baby doesn't share the same enthusiasm for them as I do. Apparently, she feels she's not very good at them, which in turn discourages her from doing them (what!?) crazy I know. As an aside, while I'm on that subject let me make a request, guys (and girls too!) help a brutha out and let her know in the comments below that pretty much any attention given down there will be welcomed. The only bad hand job is the one you don't give.It'll give her some encouragement ;)Anyway, back to the original point of this post. Among some of the incredibly hot things we've done recently were, not one, but TWO hand jobs and both to FULL orgasmRock \m/Oh fuck those feel so good. I love exploding in her hand.So how do you feel about hand jobs?I'm curious to see if others are as enthusiastic as I am about them so I threw up a poll at the top.Oh and it can count for giving as well as receiving :) Ok peeps that's it for now. Happy blogging and hand jobs for everyone!!!!


Mar 22nd @ 1:18pm EDT

PleasuresNever have I had this requestI hope this poem is blessedA quest through lotionAnd high speed motion.....Searching Pornhub to a clip whoI can give a wank toFinally I discover the oneNow it is time to have some funSkipping to the half way markInstantly my dick is at an arcTwo chicks getting slammedBefore meAnd I'll be damnedI love what I seeI put the computer to the sidePull of my shirt and sweatsPut the lotion on my hand in a line... I wonder if I will have regretsWith the lotion on my handI grab my throbbing glandMy dick shrinks from the coldBut I keep a holdWith a few strokes I realize quickWith my rod slickIt's getting hotAnd it makes noise, a lotHearing the dicks slam into the girlsIs turning me on even moreI want to release my liquid pearls'For this dick of mine, I adoreIt only takes a short timeWhen I am at my primeReady to blowAnd so I let my liquid flowOut it pumpsLike a broken water mainIt felt so good that I have goose bumpsIt just blew my brainWhile I clean myself offI can't help but scoffRealizing that cleaning is going to be a bitchThe lotion goes everywhere, but it does enrichI only hope that when I get this urgeThat there is no one in the areaBecause this is a feeling I cannot purgeIts noise and pleasure could send me into hysteriaPleasuresNever have I had this requestI hope this poem is blessedA quest through lotionAnd high speed motion.....Searching Pornhub to a clip whoI can give a wank toFinally I discover the oneNow it is time to have some funSkipping to the half way markInstantly my dick is at an arcTwo chicks getting slammedBefore meAnd I'll be damnedI love what I seeI put the computer to the sidePull of my shirt and sweatsPut the lotion on my hand in a line... I wonder if I will have regretsWith the lotion on my handI grab my throbbing glandMy dick shrinks from the coldBut I keep a holdWith a few strokes I realize quickWith my rod slickIt's getting hotAnd it makes noise, a lotHearing the dicks slam into the girlsIs turning me on even moreI want to release my liquid pearls'For this dick of mine, I adoreIt only takes a short timeWhen I am at my primeReady to blowAnd so I let my liquid flowOut it pumpsLike a broken water mainIt felt so good that I have goose bumpsIt just blew my brainWhile I clean myself offI can't help but scoffRealizing that cleaning is going to be a bitchThe lotion goes everywhere, but it does enrichI only hope that when I get this urgeThat there is no one in the areaBecause this is a feeling I cannot purgeIts noise and pleasure could send me into hysteria


Mar 22nd @ 1:17pm EDT

The scent of your pussyPoem ImageI swear her pussy has the same smell of an expensive lotionWhen I fucked her last night I perfectly hit her hole with cautionMy black hungry dick fit her sweet pussy in that motionShe became too horny as she fucked it with all her notions.Your pussyy is excellent and smoothSo wet so pink and for me it tastes goodAs your legs are wide spread naked that seems so cuteAnd I'm honored to fuck you an rain that pussy all my fluids.I agree that ass so huge and makes my dick hungry tooYour titties are so fine I want to hold frisk and drink your boobsBitch you are beautiful but when you strip those sexy clothes booThe sigh and scent of your pussy just freeze my mood.I want to fuck you harder than last timeFirst please let me lick your pussy again because its niceIm horny so sit on my dick and rideFucking your pussy is one of the precious gifts I enjoy in my life.Miss I love you but I congratulate on your pussyWhen you bend over and I do it like you are the perfect hood bitchThe scent of your pussy is like an apple which is juicyI'm glad to be in that pussy fragrance,the scent of your pussy is so sweet like sushi.The scent of your pussyPoem ImageI swear her pussy has the same smell of an expensive lotionWhen I fucked her last night I perfectly hit her hole with cautionMy black hungry dick fit her sweet pussy in that motionShe became too horny as she fucked it with all her notions.Your pussyy is excellent and smoothSo wet so pink and for me it tastes goodAs your legs are wide spread naked that seems so cuteAnd I'm honored to fuck you an rain that pussy all my fluids.I agree that ass so huge and makes my dick hungry tooYour titties are so fine I want to hold frisk and drink your boobsBitch you are beautiful but when you strip those sexy clothes booThe sigh and scent of your pussy just freeze my mood.I want to fuck you harder than last timeFirst please let me lick your pussy again because its niceIm horny so sit on my dick and rideFucking your pussy is one of the precious gifts I enjoy in my life.Miss I love you but I congratulate on your pussyWhen you bend over and I do it like you are the perfect hood bitchThe scent of your pussy is like an apple which is juicyI'm glad to be in that pussy fragrance,the scent of your pussy is so sweet like sushi.The scent of your pussyPoem ImageI swear her pussy has the same smell of an expensive lotionWhen I fucked her last night I perfectly hit her hole with cautionMy black hungry dick fit her sweet pussy in that motionShe became too horny as she fucked it with all her notions.Your pussyy is excellent and smoothSo wet so pink and for me it tastes goodAs your legs are wide spread naked that seems so cuteAnd I'm honored to fuck you an rain that pussy all my fluids.I agree that ass so huge and makes my dick hungry tooYour titties are so fine I want to hold frisk and drink your boobsBitch you are beautiful but when you strip those sexy clothes booThe sigh and scent of your pussy just freeze my mood.I want to fuck you harder than last timeFirst please let me lick your pussy again because its niceIm horny so sit on my dick and rideFucking your pussy is one of the precious gifts I enjoy in my life.Miss I love you but I congratulate on your pussyWhen you bend over and I do it like you are the perfect hood bitchThe scent of your pussy is like an apple which is juicyI'm glad to be in that pussy fragrance,the scent of your pussy is so sweet like sushi.


Mar 22nd @ 1:17pm EDT

Dear extrovert,I have never wanted to make someone bleed so badly in my entire life. I feel myself completely consumed with sadistic thoughts. Sometimes, I don't know what I crave more. These filthy thoughts done to me, or that I want to be the one inflicting such pain that there is no other option, of feeling he has, then to succumb to the pleasure that Is pain. His breath increases rapidly as Inch by inch I digest my blade across his bare chest. I step back and take pleasure in watching his fresh blood drip slowly. Our breathing now intermingled. My tongue absorbing every blood cell. Numbness slowly diffuses throughout my entire body. The masochist inside me erupts and I've lost control. I need to endure the torture and undergo the affliction that makes me cum. Sometimes when we fuck I don't even know who I am. I presume some satanic force interjects through my veins, and i love it. I am inhumane. Dear extrovert,I have never wanted to make someone bleed so badly in my entire life. I feel myself completely consumed with sadistic thoughts. Sometimes, I don't know what I crave more. These filthy thoughts done to me, or that I want to be the one inflicting such pain that there is no other option, of feeling he has, then to succumb to the pleasure that Is pain. His breath increases rapidly as Inch by inch I digest my blade across his bare chest. I step back and take pleasure in watching his fresh blood drip slowly. Our breathing now intermingled. My tongue absorbing every blood cell. Numbness slowly diffuses throughout my entire body. The masochist inside me erupts and I've lost control. I need to endure the torture and undergo the affliction that makes me cum. Sometimes when we fuck I don't even know who I am. I presume some satanic force interjects through my veins, and i love it. I am inhumane. Dear extrovert,I have never wanted to make someone bleed so badly in my entire life. I feel myself completely consumed with sadistic thoughts. Sometimes, I don't know what I crave more. These filthy thoughts done to me, or that I want to be the one inflicting such pain that there is no other option, of feeling he has, then to succumb to the pleasure that Is pain. His breath increases rapidly as Inch by inch I digest my blade across his bare chest. I step back and take pleasure in watching his fresh blood drip slowly. Our breathing now intermingled. My tongue absorbing every blood cell. Numbness slowly diffuses throughout my entire body. The masochist inside me erupts and I've lost control. I need to endure the torture and undergo the affliction that makes me cum. Sometimes when we fuck I don't even know who I am. I presume some satanic force interjects through my veins, and i love it. I am inhumane.


Mar 22nd @ 1:16pm EDT

Sexy flowPoem ImageI dedicate this fucking poem to MR.M MUSICNigga trust me you always make me think about the perfect pussyEvery drop of your ink makes me to grab my hood bitchThen fuck her with angry cock until I cum all white juice in.I swear once you read elyons sexy poems,you cant stopStraight and lyrical to make dicks and pussies really hotThe type of flow like legacy and chocolate dropThese sexy ladies always make my fucking dick long.My home girl KASUPUU is a sexy divaShe makes all the readers horny to a point they want to feast herEvery poem she writes makes me wanna garb her tits and kiss herHer pen is a lyrical sexy weapon,a perfect sexy trigger.Erotica is nothing without the legendary striderEach line he spits, girls get excited and their pussies widerI love Maggie G, BrowneyedMermaid an Magdalena I cal them sexy fightersWhat they write seduces me and burns my cock wit fire.Flowergirl I know you are reading this poem,girl you are sexyLily mae you are my best lyrical ladyKitty I like you and my love for you has no endingTrust me without these 3 divas,DU wouldn't be interestingI bow down to each poet in DU sceneEvery post every poem that brings the sexual heatThis goes to all the erotic poets doing their thingWithout you Du wouldn't have fun,I love you all please. Sexy flowPoem ImageI dedicate this fucking poem to MR.M MUSICNigga trust me you always make me think about the perfect pussyEvery drop of your ink makes me to grab my hood bitchThen fuck her with angry cock until I cum all white juice in.I swear once you read elyons sexy poems,you cant stopStraight and lyrical to make dicks and pussies really hotThe type of flow like legacy and chocolate dropThese sexy ladies always make my fucking dick long.My home girl KASUPUU is a sexy divaShe makes all the readers horny to a point they want to feast herEvery poem she writes makes me wanna garb her tits and kiss herHer pen is a lyrical sexy weapon,a perfect sexy trigger.Erotica is nothing without the legendary striderEach line he spits, girls get excited and their pussies widerI love Maggie G, BrowneyedMermaid an Magdalena I cal them sexy fightersWhat they write seduces me and burns my cock wit fire.Flowergirl I know you are reading this poem,girl you are sexyLily mae you are my best lyrical ladyKitty I like you and my love for you has no endingTrust me without these 3 divas,DU wouldn't be interestingI bow down to each poet in DU sceneEvery post every poem that brings the sexual heatThis goes to all the erotic poets doing their thingWithout you Du wouldn't have fun,I love you all please.


Mar 22nd @ 1:15pm EDT

My pleasure toy and the Big BoyAre you sticky babylying in my gush?do you smell ofmy steamy lust?Lick me cleanI so demandyou will doas I commandCan you tastehis salty cream?Did you hear himmake me scream?I like it whenyou want to lookAt this massivething I suckNext timeI will reward my boyFor being mylittle pleasure toyI may let youplay a whilejust to seeMy big boy smile My pleasure toy and the Big BoyAre you sticky babylying in my gush?do you smell ofmy steamy lust?Lick me cleanI so demandyou will doas I commandCan you tastehis salty cream?Did you hear himmake me scream?I like it whenyou want to lookAt this massivething I suckNext timeI will reward my boyFor being mylittle pleasure toyI may let youplay a whilejust to seeMy big boy smile My pleasure toy and the Big BoyAre you sticky babylying in my gush?do you smell ofmy steamy lust?Lick me cleanI so demandyou will doas I commandCan you tastehis salty cream?Did you hear himmake me scream?I like it whenyou want to lookAt this massivething I suckNext timeI will reward my boyFor being mylittle pleasure toyI may let youplay a whilejust to seeMy big boy smile My pleasure toy and the Big BoyAre you sticky babylying in my gush?do you smell ofmy steamy lust?Lick me cleanI so demandyou will doas I commandCan you tastehis salty cream?Did you hear himmake me scream?I like it whenyou want to lookAt this massivething I suckNext timeI will reward my boyFor being mylittle pleasure toyI may let youplay a whilejust to seeMy big boy smile


Mar 22nd @ 1:15pm EDT

A DreamI am a breathe of fresh airblowing against your skinI caress everything, everywherebegging to get inInside you through the mindI hope you don't declineAs I make my way downto your love thirst, throbbing vineSo hard, yet so softas my lips caress youmy tongue taste your salty wetnesslike the sun drinks the first morning dewI feel my throat close someright before I fit you rightall the way down my throatso hot and wet and tightMy eyes never leave their placelooking up at you,as you cock fucks my faceWhen you can't take any morethat my mouth has to giveYou pull me up to youbend me over, lift legand bury deep inI moan my thrillrevilling the pleasureas you take your sweet fillSkin smacking, lips moaningI beg you right there baby,PLEASE keep goingDON'T STOP! Yes, take me, I'm yoursAll I hear you sayIs Baby, you want MORE!You drive deep, as our cum covers your ballssaturating your cockdripping out my pussyto the tip of your socksBreathing hard, legs shakingall my insides are on fireand my pussy is still quakingYou gave me what I wantedWhat I needed, without takingCompletely us, no liesCompletely love, no fakingThis is what we have, whatever we wantBecause this is our world, for the makingA DreamI am a breathe of fresh airblowing against your skinI caress everything, everywherebegging to get inInside you through the mindI hope you don't declineAs I make my way downto your love thirst, throbbing vineSo hard, yet so softas my lips caress youmy tongue taste your salty wetnesslike the sun drinks the first morning dewI feel my throat close someright before I fit you rightall the way down my throatso hot and wet and tightMy eyes never leave their placelooking up at you,as you cock fucks my faceWhen you can't take any morethat my mouth has to giveYou pull me up to youbend me over, lift legand bury deep inI moan my thrillrevilling the pleasureas you take your sweet fillSkin smacking, lips moaningI beg you right there baby,PLEASE keep goingDON'T STOP! Yes, take me, I'm yoursAll I hear you sayIs Baby, you want MORE!You drive deep, as our cum covers your ballssaturating your cockdripping out my pussyto the tip of your socksBreathing hard, legs shakingall my insides are on fireand my pussy is still quakingYou gave me what I wantedWhat I needed, without takingCompletely us, no liesCompletely love, no fakingThis is what we have, whatever we wantBecause this is our world, for the making


Mar 22nd @ 1:14pm EDT

Promethea UntetheredPoem ImageI'll untie you;Yes, My Dovebut first:Discussions.The words themselvesare just enoughto bring on satisfactionand here you needto know, My Sweet,the comfortof my passion.It's what you sayand how you speakas words leapthrough the airthat brings meto my inner senserevealingthat I care.To the pointof tyingor untyingyour reactionresponse aloneif on the phoneand eyesthat never dartthat makes me soarand give all inand sealsthe deal in heart.So, here's a knotthat you should knownaught ever shall you say,"I'm not smartbut only artis how I makemy way."For brilliantare your handsand lips,a mind that's filledwith passion;a little wisdomwhile you're tiedunties the demon fashion. Promethea UntetheredPoem ImageI'll untie you;Yes, My Dovebut first:Discussions.The words themselvesare just enoughto bring on satisfactionand here you needto know, My Sweet,the comfortof my passion.It's what you sayand how you speakas words leapthrough the airthat brings meto my inner senserevealingthat I care.To the pointof tyingor untyingyour reactionresponse aloneif on the phoneand eyesthat never dartthat makes me soarand give all inand sealsthe deal in heart.So, here's a knotthat you should knownaught ever shall you say,"I'm not smartbut only artis how I makemy way."For brilliantare your handsand lips,a mind that's filledwith passion;a little wisdomwhile you're tiedunties the demon fashion. Promethea UntetheredPoem ImageI'll untie you;Yes, My Dovebut first:Discussions.The words themselvesare just enoughto bring on satisfactionand here you needto know, My Sweet,the comfortof my passion.It's what you sayand how you speakas words leapthrough the airthat brings meto my inner senserevealingthat I care.To the pointof tyingor untyingyour reactionresponse aloneif on the phoneand eyesthat never dartthat makes me soarand give all inand sealsthe deal in heart.So, here's a knotthat you should knownaught ever shall you say,"I'm not smartbut only artis how I makemy way."For brilliantare your handsand lips,a mind that's filledwith passion;a little wisdomwhile you're tiedunties the demon fashion.

poem reencuentro

Mar 22nd @ 1:10pm EDT

Fue algo inesperado,pero que me encant.Despus de tantos aosencontrarnos por azarAquel caf maanero,y la charla que tuvimosnos recordaron a ambosque existe la casualidadvarias charlas, muy sincerasen las que nos mostramos tal cualsirvieron para decirnosque lo podiamos intentaruna historia rota, por no hablarpodia retomarse y lograralgo que ni concebamosalgunas semanas alegra compartida,el deseo que existay la experiencia de la edadnos llevaron hasta el lechoy tambien, en ese encuentropudimos constatarque lo que tuvimos se mantenay lo hicimos cristalizar.Pero, siempre hay un peroy no lo pudimos obviaraunque no se bien cual seradesapareciste, sin msNo ms charlas, sin llamadascon mensajes por contestartal como apareciste, te fuistesin dejar ni un zapato de cristallo intent, pero sin xitoy me tuve que resignarasi son las cosas, me dijehay que continuar...Fue algo inesperado,pero que me encant.Despus de tantos aosencontrarnos por azarAquel caf maanero,y la charla que tuvimosnos recordaron a ambosque existe la casualidadvarias charlas, muy sincerasen las que nos mostramos tal cualsirvieron para decirnosque lo podiamos intentaruna historia rota, por no hablarpodia retomarse y lograralgo que ni concebamosalgunas semanas alegra compartida,el deseo que existay la experiencia de la edadnos llevaron hasta el lechoy tambien, en ese encuentropudimos constatarque lo que tuvimos se mantenay lo hicimos cristalizar.Pero, siempre hay un peroy no lo pudimos obviaraunque no se bien cual seradesapareciste, sin msNo ms charlas, sin llamadascon mensajes por contestartal como apareciste, te fuistesin dejar ni un zapato de cristallo intent, pero sin xitoy me tuve que resignarasi son las cosas, me dijehay que continuar...


Mar 22nd @ 1:10pm EDT

Que mal llevo la abstinencia,no la puedo soportarno sentir una piel ardiendoni unos labios poder besarrecordando los efluviosde dos cuerpos abrazadosen ntima unin carnallos jadeos, los gemidosel xtasis totalque mal llevo la abstinenciame supera cada vez mssin sentir unas cariciasrecorriendome por enterosin notar como me estremezcosin mojarme en la humedadrecordando, solamentemomentos pasadosy nada mas...Se, que es algo pasajero,que no hace falta pensarlas cosas siempre sucedensolo hay que dejar que ocurray esa chispa magica me toquepara poder volver a amara sentir, a vibrar, a encendermea gozar con alguien una vez msQue mal llevo la abstinencia,no la puedo soportarno sentir una piel ardiendoni unos labios poder besarrecordando los efluviosde dos cuerpos abrazadosen ntima unin carnallos jadeos, los gemidosel xtasis totalque mal llevo la abstinenciame supera cada vez mssin sentir unas cariciasrecorriendome por enterosin notar como me estremezcosin mojarme en la humedadrecordando, solamentemomentos pasadosy nada mas...Se, que es algo pasajero,que no hace falta pensarlas cosas siempre sucedensolo hay que dejar que ocurray esa chispa magica me toquepara poder volver a amara sentir, a vibrar, a encendermea gozar con alguien una vez msQue mal llevo la abstinencia,no la puedo soportarno sentir una piel ardiendoni unos labios poder besarrecordando los efluviosde dos cuerpos abrazadosen ntima unin carnallos jadeos, los gemidosel xtasis totalque mal llevo la abstinenciame supera cada vez mssin sentir unas cariciasrecorriendome por enterosin notar como me estremezcosin mojarme en la humedadrecordando, solamentemomentos pasadosy nada mas...Se, que es algo pasajero,que no hace falta pensarlas cosas siempre sucedensolo hay que dejar que ocurray esa chispa magica me toquepara poder volver a amara sentir, a vibrar, a encendermea gozar con alguien una vez ms

Lo que te quise dar poem

Mar 22nd @ 1:07pm EDT

Pasa el tiempo y difuminados recuerdotus labios carnosossin poderlos besartodava, a diariopienso en momentosen que unidos nuestros cuerposagitadamente te hacia gozarextrao cada caricia,cada sonrisa y cada besopasa el tiempoy empieza a costar, recordarla visin de tu cuerpo desnudoy verte temblartodava, a diariocierro mis ojos pensandoen cada suspiro, jadeoy en tu alegra finalcomo me gustaba tenertesentirte, excitadallenarte, muy mojaday volverte a besarcomo tus cabellosdesparramados en el lechoenmarcaban tu sonrisapcaramente, pedas mas..pasa el tiempoy no estas, y te extraopero hay que continuares la vida, pero fue tantolo que te quise darPasa el tiempo y difuminados recuerdotus labios carnosossin poderlos besartodava, a diariopienso en momentosen que unidos nuestros cuerposagitadamente te hacia gozarextrao cada caricia,cada sonrisa y cada besopasa el tiempoy empieza a costar, recordarla visin de tu cuerpo desnudoy verte temblartodava, a diariocierro mis ojos pensandoen cada suspiro, jadeoy en tu alegra finalcomo me gustaba tenertesentirte, excitadallenarte, muy mojaday volverte a besarcomo tus cabellosdesparramados en el lechoenmarcaban tu sonrisapcaramente, pedas mas..pasa el tiempoy no estas, y te extraopero hay que continuares la vida, pero fue tantolo que te quise dar Pasa el tiempo y difuminados recuerdotus labios carnosossin poderlos besartodava, a diariopienso en momentosen que unidos nuestros cuerposagitadamente te hacia gozarextrao cada caricia,cada sonrisa y cada besopasa el tiempoy empieza a costar, recordarla visin de tu cuerpo desnudoy verte temblartodava, a diariocierro mis ojos pensandoen cada suspiro, jadeoy en tu alegra finalcomo me gustaba tenertesentirte, excitadallenarte, muy mojaday volverte a besarcomo tus cabellosdesparramados en el lechoenmarcaban tu sonrisapcaramente, pedas mas..pasa el tiempoy no estas, y te extraopero hay que continuares la vida, pero fue tantolo que te quise dar

y cada dia mucho mas poem

Mar 22nd @ 1:06pm EDT

Extrao una bocay unos labios que besaruna lengua que se enrosquey me vuelva loco de atarextrao unas manosque me recorran despacioenervando mis sentidosexplorando mi masculinidadextrao unos pechoscon los que llenar mis manosdespertando unos deseosque me exijan apaciguarextrao esos ruiditosjadeos, gemidos, suspirosde dos cuerpos enlazadosdestilando sexualidadextrao el estertor definitivoen el que el cuerpo se tensay nos eleva al infnitode un placer sin igualextrao, lo que no tengolo que ya ni buscoporque no lo voy a encontraro porque es algo que no se regalapero sigo extraandoy cada dia, mucho msExtrao una bocay unos labios que besaruna lengua que se enrosquey me vuelva loco de atarextrao unas manosque me recorran despacioenervando mis sentidosexplorando mi masculinidadextrao unos pechoscon los que llenar mis manosdespertando unos deseosque me exijan apaciguarextrao esos ruiditosjadeos, gemidos, suspirosde dos cuerpos enlazadosdestilando sexualidadextrao el estertor definitivoen el que el cuerpo se tensay nos eleva al infnitode un placer sin igualextrao, lo que no tengolo que ya ni buscoporque no lo voy a encontraro porque es algo que no se regalapero sigo extraandoy cada dia, mucho msExtrao una bocay unos labios que besaruna lengua que se enrosquey me vuelva loco de atarextrao unas manosque me recorran despacioenervando mis sentidosexplorando mi masculinidadextrao unos pechoscon los que llenar mis manosdespertando unos deseosque me exijan apaciguarextrao esos ruiditosjadeos, gemidos, suspirosde dos cuerpos enlazadosdestilando sexualidadextrao el estertor definitivoen el que el cuerpo se tensay nos eleva al infnitode un placer sin igualextrao, lo que no tengolo que ya ni buscoporque no lo voy a encontraro porque es algo que no se regalapero sigo extraandoy cada dia, mucho ms

Para bien, o para mal poem

Mar 22nd @ 1:04pm EDT

hubo un tiempo, en el pasadoy en ese tiempo cre, que todo valapara sobrevivirhubo un tiempo, en el pasadoen que me deje llevar por mis deseospara sentiry sent, tanto que no imaginabalo que me iba a ocurriradicto, enfermo, a seducira acostarme con quien fueray sin hacerlo, no podia vivirsembre dolor, y tambien llantoque de ninguna manera compensabacon orgasmos aqui o allihubo un tiempo, en el pasadoen que deje ser yo, para vivircon un coste muy pesado, que no quiero repetirhubo un tiempo, en el pasadoque el deseo se apodero de millevandome hasta el cielo, o eso crey ahora, tras largos aosen un devenir de frenessiento de otra maneracomo creo que entonces, debi sentirya esta hecho, no hay marcha atrasel tiempo pasa y nos colocaa cada uno en su lugary este blog, se termina, para bien, o para malhubo un tiempo, en el pasadoy en ese tiempo cre, que todo valapara sobrevivirhubo un tiempo, en el pasadoen que me deje llevar por mis deseospara sentiry sent, tanto que no imaginabalo que me iba a ocurriradicto, enfermo, a seducira acostarme con quien fueray sin hacerlo, no podia vivirsembre dolor, y tambien llantoque de ninguna manera compensabacon orgasmos aqui o allihubo un tiempo, en el pasadoen que deje ser yo, para vivircon un coste muy pesado, que no quiero repetirhubo un tiempo, en el pasadoque el deseo se apodero de millevandome hasta el cielo, o eso crey ahora, tras largos aosen un devenir de frenessiento de otra maneracomo creo que entonces, debi sentirya esta hecho, no hay marcha atrasel tiempo pasa y nos colocaa cada uno en su lugary este blog, se termina, para bien, o para mal

Sonrisas poems

Mar 22nd @ 1:04pm EDT

Descubri tu sonrisa al llegarde forma que cre inesperadame descubriste porque como mujeransiabas mi llegadatu sonrisa se abrio paso en tu fazpara mostrar tu alegriabuen principio y quede prendadoque no poda ni hablarTe espere, a que acabaraspara poder salir juntos al fincharlando como cotorrassin prisa, sin pausa, sin msy comimos, devorandocon ganas de terminarpara salir disparadosy empezarnos a amarnada planeado, nada previstounos besos, y unos abrazosprolegomeno de lo que vendriay sucedio lo que deseabamosdesnudamos nustros cuerposrecorrimos vericuetos, explorando con cariciasque no tenian finalrespirando el mismo aire, mezclando nuestro deseosaboreando cada instantecomo el regalo que fuerony nos fundimos en ese deseoapretados, hambrientossucediendose placerespor largo tiempo durmienteslos orgasmos se sucedierony me derrame en tu fuentecontaminandote de mi esenciaque recibiste, calientemuchos besos, y sorpresasde tan maravilloso entendimientolos jadeos, los gemidoslos suspiros y los besosseparandome un instantepara beber, sedientode la sonrisa mas verticalmas bella y atrayentelami, chup. mordsaboreando tus mielessorb, bes, bebenloqueciendomey desbordaste en mi bocaambrosa embriagadorapara volver a atizarcon mis manos ardorosasmirandonos a los ojoscerca, muy cerca las bocastu sonrisa, mi sonrisay el placer que se desbocahasta reimos al finen un instante deliciosoahitos, llenos tu de mi, yo de tique solo recordarlo provocaque te desee incapazde calmar mi ansia sin tiy esperando nuevamentehacer mias tus sonrisasentregarme sin miedo a tipalpitando, suplicandono te separes de mi


Mar 11th @ 9:38am EDT

Lit candles. Faces. Memories,and an entrance thats rainbow: protection for the placeof rest and meditation.Necklaces. Cempasuchitl, pre-Hispanic links, songs,paper medals, flames talking to the windthe diverse language departed.It is the prime time of the celebrationor deaths needle,It is the decomposition of matter, transformed into art...Who could have imagined so much beauty on a tomb?Mole. Glass of water. Copal. Salt. Prayers.Firecrackers. Fruits. Bread. Music.Corridos. Bolas. Romantic songs.History, praised...In Morelos everything is possibleGloom battles with life and its victor,it is once again for a little while, happines, live traditionwhich overcomes reality.It was before these ornate gravesites, when I knewThat in Ocotepec, as in my heart,those that have departed return every year to remind us of their love.And that only LOVE can save us. Lit candles. Faces. Memories,and an entrance thats rainbow: protection for the placeof rest and meditation.Necklaces. Cempasuchitl, pre-Hispanic links, songs,paper medals, flames talking to the windthe diverse language departed.It is the prime time of the celebrationor deaths needle,It is the decomposition of matter, transformed into art...Who could have imagined so much beauty on a tomb?Mole. Glass of water. Copal. Salt. Prayers.Firecrackers. Fruits. Bread. Music.Corridos. Bolas. Romantic songs.History, praised...In Morelos everything is possibleGloom battles with life and its victor,it is once again for a little while, happines, live traditionwhich overcomes reality.It was before these ornate gravesites, when I knewThat in Ocotepec, as in my heart,those that have departed return every year to remind us of their love.And that only LOVE can save us.

FEAR poems

Mar 11th @ 9:38am EDT

I fear - despite the light that each day breaks far over the eastern horizon. I fear to look at people, to pluralize my thoughts, to cristalize my cowardice.I am afraid to break the glass that separates matter from spirit.I am afraid to face another mirror where in I see myself through different eyes, and desire desperately to have a different image, to be a flower, to be a cloud, to be from an unknown race.Yes, I am afraid of death. I would rather accept the life I know a little, and go rashing hour by hour into the incontrovertible.I lack the courage to die screaming, so my silence overflows in a slow peacemaking agony.I am frightened by the night that with pathetic solitude makes me discover the light as it is a conformity of resttless souls; a similitude of one to the other, equality of mind, patience, inequality, quietude, toleration, abundance, sin, prayers, constancey, sighs, dreams, insomnia, problems, war, peace, population, hunger, aire, discrimation... The poor songs and weering of life - some of whom radiate the truth.We all sleep, we all are guilty of miserie, we eat, we think, we are a connected necessity.And though we have in common our differences, we are totally unacquainted with each other.But our intuitions about each other are casual.I am afraid of night because in its I am not capable of waking to tell you that I love you.Because in its I am not capable of telling to this joyous God that I can forgive my enemy.Because in its I cannot understand you and tell you at the same time that I come from your own race.I am afraid of glimmering contrasts and I cannot learn to die unless I can disginguish them first.If I could call as truth my bad and good behavior.Would if it be possible to die for two different things at the same time.I will have to look for a more original way of life.May be a stronger inquietude capable of transmitting to my soul a vivid wish to think for a moment about death.It is difficult for me to avoid this fear, to fight against injustice and be a small reflex of the bauty of existence.I cannot avoid it - I am afraid and I do not know if the truth that surrounds me is just.Julie Sopetrn


Mar 11th @ 9:37am EDT

What do I have from GodThat I feel everythingThat everything frightens meAnd I am awere of itI ignore everythingAnd I am looking for the shadowOf the fireWhat do I have from the airThat I flyAnd I come backAnd I touch the light with my eyesI feel sleepFloatingFloutingin a dreamWhat do I have from the waterThat my eyes are as rainThe clouds are going up and downAnd by the riversThat flow through my bodyWhat do I haveWhat do I have from the sunThat I am burning myselfWhat do I have in my soulThat I increaseAs a twig is bent, so it will growGrowing up for an instantGoing downGoing downto the earthWhat do I haveWhat do I have from GodThat I moveThat I climb nakedThrough the treeAnd there in its warm branchesI waitMany leaves fall downThey call meThey call meThey call me downI resist going downI resist!Well,What do I have from GodIf I die?Julie SopetrnWhat do I have from GodThat I feel everythingThat everything frightens meAnd I am awere of itI ignore everythingAnd I am looking for the shadowOf the fireWhat do I have from the airThat I flyAnd I come backAnd I touch the light with my eyesI feel sleepFloatingFloutingin a dreamWhat do I have from the waterThat my eyes are as rainThe clouds are going up and downAnd by the riversThat flow through my bodyWhat do I haveWhat do I have from the sunThat I am burning myselfWhat do I have in my soulThat I increaseAs a twig is bent, so it will growGrowing up for an instantGoing downGoing downto the earthWhat do I haveWhat do I have from GodThat I moveThat I climb nakedThrough the treeAnd there in its warm branchesI waitMany leaves fall downThey call meThey call meThey call me downI resist going downI resist!Well,What do I have from GodIf I die?Julie Sopetrn


Mar 11th @ 9:36am EDT

The power was no powerAt the moment went offAnd I was working there with youAnd you, and you... And SheThe invisible aye of darknessAnd we are in the heart of ManhattanAnd we are in Manila In Turkey in BaghdadIn a little town far away in Spain or MexicoWhere everyday is a blackout and nobody knowsBut what is this world without power?And I was at the 34th Street subway stationOr in the train from Brooklyn to Rockefeller CentreI was boiling water or drinking beerWith my friends feeling the sticky summer dayI smell the wax burning candles around my shadowAnd I run away from the tons of trash over the flowing garbage cansThe power was no power at the moment went outBecause the mechanical energy was stopped its great effectsOnly the aye saw the incompetence only the aye is watching meCalmness, quiet, montionless and self-possessedShe is the goddesss of tragedy and te comicTransformation and retain, change and immutabilityAnd She is only one aye between the darkness always in blue and redSoul and blood. Air and fire. Power and charge or change or choiceThe circuit, the habitat, the environment...It is only one moment in her aye and my life is different!For this I am here waiting to know more about darkness disturbancesMight be a human error, might be a terrorist action,Might be business speculations, might the power is tired to be powerMight God have a break up! The aye knows what I ignoreWhat I cant prejudgeAnd not, I cant wait more to do something for the afraid chil....nFor the elder, for the invalid, for my friendSirens blared across the city: I am scaryThe radio ran on batteries, the ices taste chemicalNews consumers are also tired to hear lies and lies perturbedMental and moral power still on, dont worry my friendThe blackout is nothing if tonight we have beerand WATER!

SEARCH poems

Mar 11th @ 9:34am EDT

SEARCH The way is not the way is the fightWith the unknown with the luck with destinyAnd what is that when you feel in your bloodthe furious wishes of a better world?You call a god to combat the reason of existenceYou feel the incompetence the conflict the unreasonableYou feel the guidelines of how to stop in the sideDreaming with other ways. Watching your eyes impassivedoing nothingAnd I perceived the weatherThe rain over my bones, the storm, the raysThe intentions, the naked bodies crossing one side to anotherWithout homes, without hopes, and alones...and womenwandering in a men\'s planet. Cells all over the waysintelligent or foolish cells that ki.. us. I still walkingand looking for at least a single cell, or a tiny-segment-mattershowing me love!SEARCH The way is not the way is the fightWith the unknown with the luck with destinyAnd what is that when you feel in your bloodthe furious wishes of a better world?You call a god to combat the reason of existenceYou feel the incompetence the conflict the unreasonableYou feel the guidelines of how to stop in the sideDreaming with other ways. Watching your eyes impassivedoing nothingAnd I perceived the weatherThe rain over my bones, the storm, the raysThe intentions, the naked bodies crossing one side to anotherWithout homes, without hopes, and alones...and womenwandering in a men\'s planet. Cells all over the waysintelligent or foolish cells that ki.. us. I still walkingand looking for at least a single cell, or a tiny-segment-mattershowing me love!

Madonna > Hung Up

Mar 8th @ 1:14pm EST

Time goes by so slowly (x6) Every little thing that you say or do I'm hung up I'm hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I'm fed up I'm tired of waiting on you Time goes by so slowly for those who wait No time to hesitate Those who run seem to have all the fun I'm caught up I don't know what to do Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly I don't know what to do Every little thing that you say or do I'm hung up I'm hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I'm fed up I'm tired of waiting on you Every little thing that you say or do I'm hung up I'm hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I'm fed up I'm tired of waiting on you Ring ring ring goes the telephone The lights are on but there's no-one home Tick tick tock it's a quarter to two And I'm done I'm hanging up on you I can't keep on waiting for you I know that you're still hesitating Don't cry for me 'cause I'll find my way you'll wake up one day but it'll be too late Every little thing that you say or do I'm hung up I'm hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I'm fed up I'm tired of waiting on you Every little thing that you say or do I'm hung up I'm hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I'm fed up I'm tired of waiting on you

Madonna > Give Me All Your Love

Mar 8th @ 1:12pm EST

L-U-V Madonna, Y-O-U You wanna I see you coming and I dont wanna know your name L-U-V Madonna I see you coming and youre gonna have to change the game Y-O-U You wanna, would you like to try? Give me a reason why, give me all that you got Maybe youll do fine, as long as you dont lie to me And pretend to be what youre not [Chorus] Dont play the stupid game Cause Im a different kind of girl Every record sounds the same Youve got to step into my world Give me all your love and give me your love Give me all your love today Give me all your love and give me your love Lets forget about time And dance our lives away L-U-V Madonna, Y-O-U You wanna Keep trying dont give up, its if you want it bad enough L-U-V Madonna Its right in front of you, now tell me what youre thinking of Y-O-U You wanna, in another place, at a different time You can be my lucky star, we can drink some wine Burgundy is fine, lets drink the bottle every drop [Chorus] You have al the L-U-V I gave you everything you need Now its up to Y-O-U Are you the one, shall we proceed? M-A-D Dont make me, L-U-V Its time for Y-O-U Its up to, L-U-V I want your

Madonna > Like a Virgin

Mar 8th @ 1:10pm EST

I made it through the wilderness somehow i made it through didn't know how lost i was until i found you i was beat incomplete i'd been had, i was sad and blue but you made me feel yeah, you made me feel shiny and new chorus:like a virgin touched for the very first time like a virgin when your heart beats (after first time, "with your heartbeat") next to mine gonna give you all my love, boy my fear is fading fast been saving it all for you'cause only love can last you're so fine and you're mine make me strong, yeah you make me bold oh your love thawed out yeah, your love thawed out what was scared and cold (chorus)oooh, oooh, oooh you're so fine and you're mine i'll be yours 'till the end of time 'cause you made me feel yeah, you made me feel i've nothing to hide (chorus)like a virgin, ooh, ooh like a virgin feels so good inside when you hold me, and your heart beats, and you love me oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohooh, baby can't you hear my heart beat for the very first time?

Madonna > Act Of Contrition

Mar 8th @ 1:09pm EST

(whispered:)for thou art the kingdom and the power and the gloryforever and ever. amen.hail mary, full of grace, the lord is with thee,blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy...(spoken:)oh my god, i am heartily sorry for having offended theeand i detest all my sins because of thy just punishmentbut most of all, because i have offended thee, oh my godwho art all good and deserving of all my love.i firmly resolve with the help of thy graceto confess my sins, to do penance, to amend my life,and to avoid the temptations of evil.Oh my god, i am heartily sorry for having offended theeand i detest all my sins because of thy just punishmentbut most of all, because my god, i have offended theewho art all goodlike i knew you wouldand deserving of all my lovei reserve, i reserve, i reservei reserve, i resolvei have a reservationi have a reservation!what do you mean it's not in the computer??!!(whispered:)for thou art the kingdom and the power and the gloryforever and ever. amen.hail mary, full of grace, the lord is with thee,blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy...(spoken:)oh my god, i am heartily sorry for having offended theeand i detest all my sins because of thy just punishmentbut most of all, because i have offended thee, oh my godwho art all good and deserving of all my love.i firmly resolve with the help of thy graceto confess my sins, to do penance, to amend my life,and to avoid the temptations of evil.Oh my god, i am heartily sorry for having offended theeand i detest all my sins because of thy just punishmentbut most of all, because my god, i have offended theewho art all goodlike i knew you wouldand deserving of all my lovei reserve, i reserve, i reservei reserve, i resolvei have a reservationi have a reservation!what do you mean it's not in the computer??!!

Madonna > 4 Minutes To Save The World

Mar 8th @ 1:05pm EST

(Timbaland:) I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes (repeat several times) Break down (Madonna:) Come on boy I've been waiting for somebody To pick up my stroll (Justin:) Well don't waste time Give me a sign Tell me how you wanna roll (Madonna:) I want somebody to speed it up for me Then take it down slow There's enough room for both (Justin:) Well, I can handle that You just gotta show me where it's at Are you ready to go (Are you ready to go) (Madonna & Justin:) If you want it You already got it If you thought it It better be what you want If you feel it It must be real just Say the word and imma give you what you want (Madonna & Justin:) Time is waiting We only got 4 minutes to save the world No hesitating Grab a boy Grab a girl Time is waiting We only got 4 minutes to save the world No hesitating We only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes (Madonna & Justin:) Keep it up ..... Madonna You gotta get in line, hop Tick tock tick tock tick tock That's right, keep it up Keep it up, don't.... Madonna, uh You gotta get in line, hop Tick tock tick tock tick tock (Madonna:) Sometimes I think what I need is a human intervention, yeah (Justin:) And you know I can tell that you like it And that it's good, by the way that you move, ooh, hey hey (Madonna:) The road to hell is paved with good intentions, yeah (Justin:) But if I die tonight At least I can say I did what I wanted to do Tell me, how bout you? (Madonna & Justin:) If you want it You already got it If you thought it It better be what you want If you feel it It must be real just Say the word and imma give you what you want (Madonna & Justin:) Time is waiting We only got 4 minutes to save the world No hesitating Grab a boy Grab a girl Time is waiting We only got 4 minutes to save the world No hesitating We only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes (Madonna & Justin:) Keep it up ..... Madonna You gotta get in line, hop Tick tock tick tock tick tock That's right, keep it up Keep it up, don't.... Madonna, uh You gotta get in line, hop Tick tock tick tock tick tock

How To Make A Woman Squirt

Mar 8th @ 1:00pm EST

my girlfriend found me few steps on how to get her to squirt and thought I'd pass it on Step 1: Sex Her Up with Words. If you know how to sex up your woman with words then youre almost there because the brain is our most powerful sex organ. With the right sexual frame of mind, your woman will be able to let herself go and completely surrender to her body and whatever it is youre doing to it. Start by whispering naughty words in her ear. Say something like Tonight, I want to bring you further than you possibly think you can go with your body. At this point, it may not be bad idea to inform her of your goal (i.e., to make her experience squirting). The reason you want to tell her about this is so that shes prepared for it. You see, the feeling a woman gets when shes about to ejaculate is the same as when shes about to pee. If she thinks shes going to pee, you can bet that she will do EVERYTHING to prevent that. So in effect, shes holding back on squirting and you dont want that! What you want her to do is to just let go and ride the waves so to speak. Step 2: Turn Foreplay on High After sexually goading her with your hot words and letting her know what youre up to, its time to turn foreplay on high. This can be kissing her deeply, licking her all over her body, etc. In short, do anything and everything you know that will make her as wet as possible. Step 3: Lay Her Down Like a Flower. When shes ready (and free of her clothes), have her lie comfortably on the floor or bed. Trail kisses from her neck to her sweet spot. However, when you get to her honey pot, be sure to spread her open like a flower. Why? Most women feel their sexiest when theyre spread and adored this way! (We feel like a Sex Goddess being worshiped!) Step 4: Find, Touch, Arouse and Control the G-spot. Now, take a break from your oral loving and using two fingers (your index and middle fingers), turn your palm up and slowly insert them into her. While inside, hook your fingers, making a sort of come hither motion. At the wall of her vagina, look for a small bump (the G-spot becomes engorged when a woman is sexually stimulated) with the same texture as the roof of your mouth. Once you find this spot, stimulate it in different ways. You can tap at it, run circles over it, flick it like a switch, and others. All this time, watch the expressions of your womans face and see which one she likes best. For added pleasure, go back and orally pleasure her swollen clitoris as you arouse the G-spot. Alternate between licking her and talking sexily to her as you stimulate the G-spot; this will stimulate both her body and mind like never before. Step 5: Just Keep On Going, And Going, And Going At some point, she will probably start to squirm and maybe even thrash a bit. If she tells you to stop because she feels like urinating, encourage her to just let go. Tell her that shes not going to pee but that shes going to come and that you think its the sexiest darn thing ever! Also, this is important: whatever it is youre doing that is making her want to climax, dont ever stop it or switch techniques. For us women, repetition and persistence is key so keep on doing what she finds stimulating and youll be rewarded soon! Step 6: The Squirting Afterglow Some women will squirt a bit, while others will really spray you so be prepared either way by having a big towel or a couple of small towels beside you. After she squirts her love juices, she may feel a bit embarrassed about what just happened so reassure her by grabbing a towel or two and lovingly wipe at her thighs and mound. Finish off with a gentle kiss on you know where.

best positions for anal sex

Mar 5th @ 2:35pm EST

Learning new sex positions--particularly these five best anal sex positions--can be a great asset to your sexual relationship. Many people assume that the same positions that are good for vaginal sex will be good for anal sex, but that isn't always true. Because of the different angle and position of the anal canal, there are certain positions that are effective for anal sex. Here are five great ones to get you started.nnModified Missionary - This position is a great one to start with. Have your partner lay down on her back and put her legs up in the air. Fold a pillow in half and place it under her bottom. This slight variation on the classic will change the angle of penetration and allow for easy access. It can also be very romantic. Make sure you make eye contact and kiss her often to make it special. nGirl on Top - This is a great choice if your partner is new to anal sex. When she's on top, she can control the speed, depth, and angle of penetration. She will feel very confident being in control. Try alternating between having her knees up and her knees on the bed. Dimming the lights may make her feel more comfortable, as she'll be front and center. Reverse Cowgirl - This is basically the same idea as girl on top, but it changes the angle up a little bit. Try placing your legs close together and having her hold onto your knees for support. You will have a great view of the action, and make sure you tell her how much you enjoy the scenery. nSpoon - This one is great for early mornings, or whenever you're feeling a little lazy. Lay behind her and hold her top leg up. Gently enter her from behind and put an arm around her. You'll be able to take it slow and gently rock your way to an orgasm. nDoggie Style - This one is a little obvious. There is no better way to access the anus than to have your partner get on all fours. The angle of penetration will be very deep, so go slow and use a lot of lube. You can spice it up a little bit by giving her a playful spank, gently tugging her hair, or talking dirty.nAs you can see, it's very simple to incorporate these positions into your sex routine. Find the one that makes both of you feel comfortable, and experience the most pleasure. As always during anal sex, take it slow and use lubricant. Remember to always practice safe sex. Good luck, and enjoy!n

Oral Sex ... what is the real risk?

Mar 5th @ 2:34pm EST

Efectivamente, con esta prctica el riesgo de embarazo es nulo. Por supuesto que no hay ruta alguna por la que los espermatozoides puedan alcanzar un vulo si entran por el esfago. Y esa es una de las razones por las que muchos jvenes recurren a ella (as como tambin optan con frecuencia por el sexo anal para no "perder la virginidad" y no embarazarse). Programas de educacin sexual europeos incluso proponen hablar ms abiertamente de esta opcin que evitar consecuencias indeseadas, aunque hay sectores a los que les parece fuera de lugar.El caso es que, efectivamente, con esta prctica los riesgos en general son menos, pero no inexistentes. Es mucho ms difcil que se transmita el VIH por esta va, pero eso no hace que quede absolutamente libre de la posibilidad de contagio de otras infecciones. La gonorrea o el herpes genital, por ejemplo, pueden trasmitirse de esta forma y desarrollarse en otras mucosas, como la de la boca o la garganta.Por eso se recomienda usar condones o cuadros de ltex que se ponen sobre la vulva. Con ese fin, se han diseado los preservativos sin lubricante o aquellos de mltiples sabores, as como los cuadros de ltex con sabor a menta o chocolate en empaques ms atractivos destinados especficamente a este uso. No obstante, me atrevera a decir que si mucha gente evita usar condn en las relaciones vaginales, an ms personas lo dejan en el olvido cuando se trata del sexo oral. Por qu ser? Todava no conozco un estudio que hable de ello, pero en sondeos informales se puede escuchar que lo que pasa es que se pierde la posibilidad de percibir las texturas de la piel y los olores naturales, as como que se pone una barrera a la intimidad o, tambin, que eso de poner la boca en contacto con un plstico sabor a motita de pltano o a frutas tropicales, no parece muy excitante.Pero adems de las infecciones de transmisin sexual de conocimiento comn, un estudio australiano publicado el pasado mes de diciembre en la revista Journal of Infectious Diseases, mostr que el sexo oral puede provocar uretritis. De hecho, parece que una de las principales causas de consulta en los centros que atienden infecciones de transmisin sexual, es esta inflamacin de la uretra. Afecta a hombres y mujeres, aunque los hombres son los ms susceptibles de adquirirla de esta forma.Los sntomas son irritacin, ardor al orinar, comezn y enrojecimiento del rea; tambin puede llegar a haber descargas de secreciones por la uretra. La infeccin es ocasionada por grmenes, bacterias o virus, y suele curarse fcilmente con antibiticos. A veces se quita sola, pero si persiste y no se trata, puede complicarse y provocar daos permanentes en este importante conducto por el que se expulsa la orina y, en el caso de los hombres, tambin el semen.Y por qu es provocada por el sexo oral? El punto radica en esto de los grmenes, y en que aquellos microorganismos que en un lugar no causan ningn dao, en otros pueden generar una infeccin. As, no es que la persona que toma el rol activo en el sexo oral tenga la boca infectada y le pase la enfermedad a su pareja, sino que las bacterias que por lo comn viven en la boca sin causar ningn dao, al entrar en la uretra, pueden ocasionar una infeccin y la consecuente inflamacin.Para llegar a esta conclusin, los expertos australianos analizaron 329 hombres con los mencionados sntomas, pero que no tuvieran gonorrea (sta puede provocar molestias similares) y 307 hombres sanos. Les hicieron pruebas de laboratorio y los cuestionaron acerca de sus hbitos sexuales. As, encontraron que cerca de un 5 por ciento de los casos estaban directamente relacionados con grmenes provenientes de la boca y que las uretritis sin causa aparente se presentaban con mayor frecuencia entre aquellos hombres que haban recibido felaciones de sus parejas femeninas o masculinas.Buen dato a tomar en cuenta si de pronto tiene molestias urinarias y ha incluido este tipo de prcticas en sus encuentros ntimos. Lo que sera bueno saber es si lavarse la boca antes y despus de la prctica podra beneficiar en algo. Se lo investigo y le comento la respuesta en cuanto la tenga. Por lo pronto, el condn s ayuda.Ya es hora de ponerte ese delicioso helado dentro de tu boca. Mete toda su cabecita en tu boca. Mantenla all. Estimula su glande con el roce de tus dientes, mientras su pene entra y sale de tu boca.Ahora s trata de poner todo su pene dentro de tu boca. No te excedas, hazlo lentamente. l querr profundizar ms en tu garganta. No le dejes imponerse, pues sin no ests mentalmente preparada/o sentirs horcadas y ganas de trasbocar.Si doblas tu cuello apropiadamente, haciendo que desde tu boca hasta la faringe haya un conducto recto, el pene puede entrar completamente, tal y como lo haca su protagonista en el film Garganta profunda. No intentes respirar por la boca mientras haces esto, sentirs que te ahogas, debes respirar por la nariz.Movindote tan rpido como tu pareja pueda resistir sin eyacular, desliza tu boca sobre su pene de arriba hasta abajo como si estuvieras Tirndotelo. Recuerda las tcnicas sobre cmo retardar la eyaculacin aprendidas en el artculo sobre masturbacin, este es un buen momento para aplicarlas.No es recomendable la prctica oral durante mucho tiempo; es mejor parar un poco, jugar erticamente de otras formas y luego continuar, pues hay un momento en que se siente en el pene un adormecimiento, se pierde un poco de sensibilidad y por tanto, ya no se disfruta igual.Tragar o no tragar el semen es una decisin particular, de ah que previamente hayamos hablado del condn... ah, es mejor hacerlo con uno que tenga saborizante. Los estudios demuestran que el sabor del semen cambia con la dieta alimentaria, as que comidas muy condimentadas producen un sabor fuerte y comidas dulces y frutas producen un sabor y fragancia ms agradable, para la mayora de personas.Ten cuidado de retroceder un poco cuando sea el momento de la eyaculacin, un hombre excitado incrementa el movimiento y la fuerza de su movimiento penetrativo. Si lo prefieres ten una toallita a mano para que la eyaculacin se produzca en este elemento.Si no te gusta chuparlo, recuerda que es tu decisin y no la de tu pareja; pero l estar, muy seguramente, interesado no slo en que lo hagas, sino en que lo hagas bien. De todas formas recuerda que es tu derecho no hacer lo que no deseas, as sea del gusto de tu pareja.Para concluir: si eres el dueo del pene, debes saber que para muchas personas es supremamente molesto sentir unas manos sobre la cabeza, ejerciendo presin. Es necesario tener muchos acercamientos a la prctica para volverse experto/a, as que ten paciencia y disfruta los avances logrados.Ten en cuenta que una buena higiene es importante para volver excitante la situacin, no hay nada ms molesto que sentir el olor fuerte del esmegma (secrecin de las glndulas prepuciales). Una buena afeitada es igualmente importante, porque la friccin de la barba con el glande es supremamente desagradable, para la mayora de los hombres.

how to use a condom!

Mar 5th @ 2:34pm EST

Como se usa un condon, preservativo o profilacticoEl condon esta hecho de latex y vieje dentro de una bolsita hermetica que nunca debes abrir con los dientes, porque podrias romperlo.Ahora si... (el pene debe estar en ereccion para poner un condon)1.- sacar el condon de su bolsa con cuidado.2.- sujetar con el dedo indice y pulgar la punta, para que no le entre aire y se rompa. Apoyalo sobre la cabeza del pene sin soltar las puntas, y rodeala (la cabeza)3.-Tirar el prepucio hacia atras y deslizar el preservativo por el resto del pene.4.- Al terminar, hazle un nudo y bota al basurero, nunca al WC.(Instrucciones graficas en la imagen de comienzo de pagina)R E C U E R D A*El preservativo se usa desde el comienzo hasta el final de una relacion sexual, antes de la eyaculacion tambien existe probabilidad de embarazo y por supuesto de contagio de SIDA u ETS.* Se compran en cualquier farmacia, se piden como condondes o preservativos, tambien se dan en hospitales, no existe prohibicion alguna para adquirirlos y cuestan $1.000, subiendo a partir de ese monto, segun color, textura, sabor, color, espermicida, etc...*Recuerda ver siempre la fecha de vencimiento de los condones.*Nunca los andes trayendo en la billetera o lugares donde puedan calentarse mucho.*Nunca te pongas 2 condones (uno encima del otro) ya que con la friccion lo mas probable es que se rompran.*El condon solo puede usarse una vez, luego de un acto sexual (con eyaculacion o no) debe botarse.*Nunca pases de sexo anal a sexo vaginal -con o sin condon-, ya que podria causar muchas infecciones vaginales. Si primero tienes sexo vaginal y luego anal no hay problema.*Recuerda que el uso del condon es responsabilidad de la pareja, no solo de el que lo usa. Al igual que con las pastillas anticonceptivas que suele quedar a cargo de cada metodo el sexo que lo usa. Mujeres y Hombres somos responsables de nuestra sexualidad y la de nuestra pareja.


Feb 21st @ 10:34pm EST

ReportsIn questionnaire surveys, 35-50% of women report that they have at some time experienced the gushing of fluid during orgasm.[3][4][5] Other studies find anywhere from 10-69%, depending on the definitions and methods used.[6][7] For instance Kratochvl (1994) surveyed 200 women and found that 6% reported ejaculating, an additional 13% had some experience and about 60% reported release of fluid without actual gushing.[8] Reports on the volume of fluid expelled vary considerably[9] starting from amounts that would be imperceptible to a woman, to mean values of 1-5 ml.[10]The suggestion that women can expel fluid from their genital area as part of sexual arousal has been described by women's health writer Rebecca Chalker as "one of the most hotly debated questions in modern sexology."[11][dubious - discuss] Female ejaculation has been discussed in anatomical, medical, and biological literature throughout recorded history. The dichotomy between the interest devoted to female ejaculation and the basic acceptance of its male counterpart has been questioned by feminist writers.[12]Western literature16th to 18th centuryIn the 16th century, the Dutch physician Laevinius Lemnius, referred to how a woman "draws forth the man's seed and casts her own with it."[13] In the 17th century, Franois Mauriceau described glands at the urethral meatus that "pour out great quantities of saline liquor during coition, which increases the heat and enjoyment of women."[14] This century saw an increasing understanding of female sexual anatomy and function,[15] in particular the work of the Bartholin family in Denmark.De GraafIn the 17th, century the Dutch anatomist Regnier de Graaf wrote an influential treatise on the reproductive organs Concerning the Generative Organs of Women which is much cited in the literature on this topic. De Graaf discussed the original controversy but supported the Aristotelian view.[16][17] He identified the source as the glandular structures and ducts surrounding the urethra. [VI:66-7]The urethra is lined by a thin membrane. In the lower part, near the outlet of the urinary passage, this membrane is pierced by large ducts, or lacunae, through which pituito-serous matter occasionally discharges in considerable quantities. Between this very thin membrane and the fleshy fibres we have just described there is, along the whole duct of the urethra, a whitish membranous substance about one finger-breadth thick which completely surrounds the urethral canal... The substance could be called quite aptly the female 'prostatae' or 'corpus glandulosum', 'glandulous body'...The function of the 'prostatae' is to generate a pituito-serous juice which makes women more libidinous with its pungency and saltiness and lubricates their sexual parts in agreeable fashion during coitus. [VII:81] The discharge from the female 'prostatae' causes as much pleasure as does that from the male 'prostatae'He identified [XIII:212] the various controversies regarding the ejaculate and its origin, but stated he believed that this fluid "which rushes out with such impetus during venereal combat or libidinous imagining" was derived from a number of sources, including the vagina, urinary tract, cervix and uterus. He appears to identify Skene's ducts, when he writes [XIII: 213] "those [ducts] which are visible around the orifice of the neck of the vagina and the outlet of the urinary passage receive their fluid from the female 'parastatae', or rather the thick membranous body around the urinary passage." However he appears not to distinguish between the lubrication of the perineum during arousal and an orgasmic ejaculate when he refers to liquid "which in libidinous women often rushes out at the mere sight of a handsome man." Further on [XIII:214] he refers to "liquid as usually comes from the pudenda in one gush." However, his prime purpose was to distinguish between generative fluid and pleasurable fluid, in his stand on the Aristotelian semen controversy.

Female ejaculation

Feb 21st @ 10:31pm EST

Female ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid by human females from the paraurethral ducts through and around the urethra during or before an orgasm. It is also known colloquially as gushing or squirting,[1] although these are considered to be different phenomena in some research publications.[2] The exact source and nature of the fluid continue to be a topic of debate among medical professionals, which is also related to doubts over the existence of the G-Spot.Female ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid by human females from the paraurethral ducts through and around the urethra during or before an orgasm. It is also known colloquially as gushing or squirting,[1] although these are considered to be different phenomena in some research publications.[2] The exact source and nature of the fluid continue to be a topic of debate among medical professionals, which is also related to doubts over the existence of the G-Spot.Female ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid by human females from the paraurethral ducts through and around the urethra during or before an orgasm. It is also known colloquially as gushing or squirting,[1] although these are considered to be different phenomena in some research publications.[2] The exact source and nature of the fluid continue to be a topic of debate among medical professionals, which is also related to doubts over the existence of the G-Spot.Female ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid by human females from the paraurethral ducts through and around the urethra during or before an orgasm. It is also known colloquially as gushing or squirting,[1] although these are considered to be different phenomena in some research publications.[2] The exact source and nature of the fluid continue to be a topic of debate among medical professionals, which is also related to doubts over the existence of the G-Spot.Female ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid by human females from the paraurethral ducts through and around the urethra during or before an orgasm. It is also known colloquially as gushing or squirting,[1] although these are considered to be different phenomena in some research publications.[2] The exact source and nature of the fluid continue to be a topic of debate among medical professionals, which is also related to doubts over the existence of the G-Spot.

Melendi > Con slo una sonrisa

Feb 19th @ 11:06am EST

Desnudarme, juega conmigo a ser, la perdicin, que todo hombre quisiera poseer, y olvdate de todo lo que fui, y quireme, por lo que pudiera llegar a ser, en tu vida, tan loca y absurda, como la ma, como la ma. Tu piensas que la luna estar llena para siempre, yo busco tu mirada entre los ojos de la gente, tu guardas en el alma bajo llave lo que sientes, yo rompo con palabras que desgarran como dientes. Tu sufres por no sabes como parar el tiempo, yo sufro por no se de que color es el viento, tan dulce y hechizante que se escapa de tu boca, con solo una sonrisa mi cabeza volvi loca. No busques mas, q yo te voy a dar, todo el calor, q no te daba la barra del bar, cuando te vi, yo por primera vez, donde a prendi , q se podia llorar tambien de alegria, soando tu boca , junto a la mia junto a la mia. Tu piensas q la luna esatara llena para siempre, yo busco tu mirada entre los ojos de la gente, tu guardas en el alma bajo llave lo q sientes, yo rompo con palabras q desgarran como dientes. Tu sufres xq no sabes como parar el tiempo, yo sufro xq no se de que color es el viento, tan dulce y echizante q se escapa de tu boca, con solo una sonrisa mi cabeza volvio loca. Tu sufres xq no sabes como parar el tiempo, yo sufro xq no se de que color es el viento, tan dulce y echizante q se escapa de tu boca, con solo una sonrisa mi cabeza volvio loca.Tu sufres xq no sabes como parar el tiempo, yo sufro xq no se de que color es el viento, tan dulce y echizante q se escapa de tu boca, con solo una sonrisa mi cabeza volvio loca.

Melendi > Tu jardn con enanitos

Feb 19th @ 11:06am EST

Hoy le pido a mis sueos, que te quiten la ropa que conviertan en besos todos mis intentos de morderte la boca y aunque entiendo que tu tu siempre tienes la ultima palabra en esto del amor Y hoy le pido a tu ngel de la guarda, que comparta que me de valor y arrojo en la batalla pa ganarla y es que yo no quiero pasar por tu vida como las modas no se asuste seorita nadie le a hablado de boda yo tan solo quiero ser las cuatro patas de tu cama tu perro todas las noches, tu tregua cada maana quiero ser tu medicina, tus silencios y tus gritos tu ladrn, tu polica, tu jardn con enanitos quiero ser la escoba que en tu vida barra la tristeza quiero ser tu incertidumbre y sobretodo tu certeza Hoy le pide a la luna, que me alargue esta noche y que alumbre con fuerza este sentimiento y bailen los corazones y aunque entiendo que tu seras siempre ese sueo que quizs nunca podre alcanzar Y hoy le pido a tu ngel de la guarda, que comparta que me de valor y arrojo en la batalla pa ganarla y es que yo no quiero pasar por tu vida como las modas no se asuste seorita nadie le a hablado de boda yo tan solo quiero ser las 4 patas de tu cama tu perro todas las noches tu tregua cada maana quiero ser tu medicina, tus silencios y tus gritos tu ladrn, tu polica, tu jardn con enanitos quiero ser la escoba que en tu vida barra la tristeza quiero ser tu incertidumbre y sobretodo tu certeza Y es que yo quiero ser el que nunca olvida tu cumpleaos quiero que seas mi rosa y mi espina aunque me hagas dao quiero ser tu carnaval, tus principios y tus finales quiero ser el mar donde puedas ahogar todos tus males quiero que seas mi tango de gardel, mis octavillas mi media luna de miel, mi blus, mi octava maravilla el baile de mi saln, la cremallera y los botones quiero que lleves tu falda y tambin mis pantalones Tu astronauta, el primer hombre que pise tu luna clavando una bandera de locura para pintar tu vida de color, de pasin, de sabor, de emocin y ternura siempre que usted que yo ya no tengo cura sin tu amor

Melendi > Lgrimas desordenadas

Feb 19th @ 11:05am EST

Si mi corazn an no se viste solo es porque no ha encontrao a su medio limn Lucha en los asaltos que manda la vida, vive con 100 gatos en un callejn Y en el horizonte de mi pecho en llamas, soy un super-man que busca tu cabina El sujeto de quien no llora no mama, una puta con horario de oficina CORO Y puse tus recuerdos a remojo y flotan porque el agua est salada, Salada porque brotan de mis ojos, Lgrimas desordenadas No pienses que estoy loco por vivir a mi manera Voy a pasarme todo el da bebiendo y por la noche, pegado a una botella. Si mi corazn sigue de calavera es porque an no ha aprendido a disimular Cada vez que ve paseando tus caderas se le caen las llaves al fondo del bar. Y en el horizonte de mi pecho en llamas, soy un super-man que busca tu cabina El sujeto de quien no llora no mama, una puta con horario de oficina CORO Y puse tus recuerdos a remojo y flotan porque el agua est salada, Salada porque brotan de mis ojos, Lgrimas desordenadas. No pienses que estoy loco por vivir a mi manera Voy a pasarme todo el da bebiendo y por la noche, pegado a una botella. Y he plantao un jardn de la alegra, para hacer mas divertidos mis das Y he soao que dorma entre tus piernas, Y he dejao el sueo patas arribas. CORO Y puse tus recuerdos a remojo y flotan porque el agua est salada, Salada porque brotan de mis ojos, Lgrimas desordenadas. No pienses que estoy loco por vivir a mi manera Voy a pasarme todo el da bebiendo y por la noche, pegado a una botella.

Melendi > A 1000 Km de aqu

Feb 19th @ 10:57am EST

Que las palabras, sean ms lentas que las balas que las baladas ya no sean para dos. Que tus latidos, que antes eran de cualquiera ahora solamente suenan, por amor. Que el prisionero, ya no pose con cadenas que las melenas, no son solo rock 'n roll. Que una moneda, nunca compre un sentimiento o as de algo me arrepiento es de haber comprao tu amor. Y que la falda, sea tan corta como quieras que el problema esta en el que mira y no encuentra explicacin. A mi preocupan ms los nios que mueren de hambre, pero si me apuras me dan ms pena sus madres. Perdonen sus governantes est mi ignorancia. No entiendo que en pleno ao 2000 a 1000 km de aqu se estn muriendo de hambre. Que la metralla, se combierta en chocolate para comerla o fumarla, que ms da. Y que mi hijo, sea del sexo que sea tenga una salud de hierro y se parezca a su mam. Y que la vida no se pierda en la patera y los desastres naturales se repartan. Perro flaco, parece todo son pulgas nunca he visto un maremoto arrasar quinta avenida. Y que las ropas, estn sucias o estn rotas casi nunca estn reidas por tener buen corazn. A mi me preocupan ms... Se estn muriendo de hambre y no les damos de comer nos lo gastamos todo en diques para podernos defender De qu? De quin? Demostrad vuestros ombligos mercenarios arrogantes que se den por aludidos sois los putos asesinos. Que, lo estais matando de hambre.

Aldeanos > Con tus labios

Feb 19th @ 10:55am EST

Coro Tus labios dan, suficiente calidez, he incitaran, que te busque donde quiera que tu estes. Aldo Sabes porque cuando me miras hasta por dentro me sonrojo, porque el amor es ciego desde que anda con tus ojos, rio cuando vienes, lloro cuando vas, me siento extrao y hasta te extrao cuando estas. Te tengo a medias, miedo mas se da, mi alma remedia (...) luz, escuche musica linda de fondo, reir de pronto, como un par de tontos frente a un flash sin gordo, ronco, lo digo sin orgullo, vine al mundo pa hacer rap, pa ser tuyo y estar al lado tuyo, tu me tocas y me diluyo en mi psiqui, mis ojos me brillan mas que un cucuyo con conjutivitis, tuve suerte al encontrarte pero, tu tambien tuviste suerte mami porque yo te quiero, te quiero sin medidas mi vida siempre te quiero, se que no sere yo el que va (...). Coro Tus labios dan, suficiente calidez, he incitaran, que te busque donde quiera que tu estes. Vengan rios, de deseos Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero, Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero, Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero, Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero. Aldo Lo primero es que te amo, lo segundo es que te admiro, lo tercero es que hasta tiemblo cuando de cerca te miro, lo cuarto es que me gustas, lo quinto es que te adoro, lo sexto mi tesoro es que tu regreso aoro, lo septimo es que desde septimo busco tu olor, lo octavo no se que me hago si no te hago el amor, lo noveno es que te echo de menos mientras mas te pienso, lo decimo es que suena pesimo no darte un beso, lo onceno es que no hay freno para lo que siento, y el undecimo, te necesito mas que el viento, numero trece, me fortalece mi mami autoestima, catorce, eres para mi una hada madrina, la quince, eres el pincel que colorea de azul mi cielo, diecisis, me siento como un rey cuando toco tu pelo, diecisiete, eres mi juguete preferido, con el cual no jugare a hacerle dao soy tu amigo, dieciocho, que a los diesinueve comprendi angelito, (...) veinte, te veo con veinte, vente, me siento con veinte, veintiuno, vuelvo a los veinte si beso tu frente, veintids, tu voz, lista e incomparable, veintitrs, no insiste, solo quiero que me hables, veinticuatro, tu retrato alegra al espejo, veinticinco, eres lo mas lindo aunque estes tan lejos, veintiseis, eres tu la unica ley que yo respeto, veintisiete, te amare hasta que muera te lo prometo. Coro Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero, Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero, Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero, Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero. Aldo Churu, de aqui hasta unos aos te aseguro, que tendra mas canciones que tu nombre lo aseguro, solo quiero que me quiera y aunque te sea duro, me muestres con claridad cuando lo vea todo oscuro, yo no te traiciono, es que yo me he vuelto abono, mi capa escapa'a escapa de la capa de ozono, como pienso en ti, como pienso en ti, dime como puede llegar uno a sentir asi, como, me pregunto (...) y aunque tomo, mi pizarra no cambia de asuto, somos, algo profundo toco algo juntos, y como los nomos, vamos limpios contra el mundo, yo no quiero un mundo sin tu sonrisa, si me encabro** decepciono hasta la mona lisa, de tono, toma el entono de toa' la piel, y como no no, soy tu pequeo en mi lado mas fiel, me asomo a mi cuarto, hay un vacio inmenso, si fuese necesario te enseara el universo, en mi lomo, siento el peso de tus labios y de tus besos, en tus brazos descubri un cario puro e indefenso, mi ma', tu eres mi mas deseo sin mas, (...) jamas olvidare cuanto entregue en cada abrazo y, todo lo que me distes a cuambio de na'. Coro Tus labios dan, suficiente calidez, he incitaran, que te busque donde quiera que tu estes. Vengan rios, de deseos Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero, Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero, Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero, Vamos a ver quien de los dos se safa primero.

Aldeanos > A veces sueo

Feb 19th @ 10:54am EST

Dedicado a los que no pertenecen a este mundo aquellos que su vida no es mas que un sueo profundo a los que la realidad son mas que personas tristes y que solo en sus sueos pueden ser felices!!! (Coro) A veces sueo que es un sueo esta triste realidad, a veces sueo que mis sueos realidad se han hecho, hasta despierto busco la manera de soar, y as lo haremos hasta que tambin violen este derecho, A veces sueo que es un sueo esta triste realidad, a veces sueo que mis sueos realidad se han hecho, hasta despierto busco la manera de soar pues solo en sueos puedo ver este mundo derecho. (I) A veces sueo que mate a la muerte y destroz su vientre y luego me pare en un puente y la arroje por siempre ya se que estoy soando por favor no me despierten pues es muy rico soar que mato a quien mata a mi gente, sueo que en ves de Jess deben estar crucificados George Bush y sus aliados por los nios que han matado, sueo que mi cerebro a un tv es conectado y que los presidentes forjan mundos en base a lo que he soado, sueo que solo hay prisiones para criminales y que no privan de libertad inocentes animales sueo que no hay hospitales para personas buenas a veces sueo que esta viva y no muerta mi abuela, a veces sueo y no quisiera despertar jams pues soando soy feliz y despierto no veo paz cuando estoy en alcatraz encierro a Satans pero en vida cada ser para el es un disfraz. A veces sueo que por siempre ser el dueo de mis sueos y que no solo dejaran soar a rubios y trigueos sueo que no hay pesadillas sueo que no hay traga sueos, sueo que si existieran que suenen serian mi empeo, a veces sueo que nunca mas quisiera amanecer pues pienso que si muriera no soara con nacer de nuevo en este mundo lleno de traicin y almas de fuego, sueo que vivir quisiera si no existiera el dinero. Sueo que mi hijo lo primero que dir ser papi te quiero y no dame dinero pa fumar sueo que son muy felices todos los nios sueno un mundo con menos juguetes y con mas cario, a veces sueo que en el avin de Barbados que explotaron no vivan esgrimistas cubanos sino tiranos, sueo que en vez de Hatuey en la hoguera quemaron a Pozadas Carilas alla en el medio del vedado, para soar no me hacen falta ni almohadas ni camas para soar no me hace falta fumar marihuana recuerden que hasta el sol de hoy soar no cuesta nada, para soar solo hacen falta deseos y ganas... (Coro) A veces sueo que es un sueo esta triste realidad, a veces sueo que mis sueos realidad se han hecho, hasta despierto busco la manera de soar, y as lo haremos hasta que tambin violen este derecho, A veces sueo que es un sueo esta triste realidad, a veces sueo que mis sueos realidad se han hecho, hasta despierto busco la manera de soar pues solo en sueos puedo ver este mundo derecho. (II) A veces sueo que son buenas las noticias de los diarios sueo que los presidentes llevan la verdad en los labios que no hay violencia en los barrios ni guerras ni millonarios ni mueren mil inocentes por culpa de un mandatorio a veces sueo que nunca ha existido el racismo ni hablan de razas superior inferior ni de fascismo sueo tambin que mi vecino se lleva bien conmigo como sueo que Hitler y Malcolm equis son amigos, a veces sueo que las prostitutas son mujeres honradas que no solo son buscadas para sudar en las camas sueo que son respetadas y por los hombres amadas sueo que en cada una ah una madre guardada, a veces sueo que nada nunca podr estar primero que un amor verdadero y un amigo sincero a veces sueo que no existe la palabra extranjero ni traiciones ni banquero porque no existe el dinero, a veces sueo que un obrero gana igual que un empresario a veces sueo que no tengo que reportar de mi barrio, sueo que no miran mal a quien no viste bien a diario sueo que todos viven igual en mi vecindario, a veces sueo yo contrario los patrones de belleza pues en mis sueos tambin soy flaco o gordo no interesa, sueo que pa ser modelo no importa si tienes trenzas, sueo que las chicas no son estpidas dietas fresas, a veces sueo que besa mi frente dios a veces sueo que hay millones de aldeanos no tan solo dos a veces sueo que el mundo entero escucha mi voz y a veces sueo que todo el mundo suea como yo, a veces sueo que nunca han habido desaparecidos que los asesinatos nunca se han cometido sueo que en este mundo nadie nunca ha envejecido sueo que se puede recuperar el tiempo perdido, a veces sueo que he cantado y he sido escuchado, y cada palabra que he dicho han analizado, sueo que como yo todos han reflexionado y sueo que con mis canciones muchas vidas he cambiado (Coro) A veces sueo que es un sueo esta triste realidad, a veces sueo que mis sueos realidad se han hecho, hasta despierto busco la manera de soar, y as lo haremos hasta que tambin violen este derecho, A veces sueo que es un sueo esta triste realidad, a veces sueo que mis sueos realidad se han hecho, hasta despierto busco la manera de soar pues solo en sueos puedo ver este mundo derecho. (III) Para ser seres felices completamente, debemos estar soando diariamente, soemos constantemente que somos gentes, felices eternamente sin soar siempre..

Aldeanos > Me Enamore De Ti

Feb 19th @ 10:53am EST

Yhamil Espero Que Al Recibo De Esta Carta Comprendas Mi Temor a Tu Reaccion Pero Es Que A Mi Corazon Le Hacia Falta Volar En Un Cohete De Papel a Tu Balcon Me Enamore De Ti (x4) * Silvito El Libre * Cupido Me Encontro En La Habana Aquella Maana Me Encontro Con Ganas Cuando Mire a Tu Ventana Conciencia Sana , Me Gana El Amor No Quema Pero Me Duele La Mano De Escribirte , Ya Tantos Poemas Cinema De Imagenes Tuyas en Mi Mente Siento Que Me Siento Confundo Tu Rostro Entre La Gente Amor a Primera Vista ? Falso , La Pista Miente Creo Que Te Quiero Desde Que Empeze a Mudar Los Dientes Siempre Muy Concecuente Caliente Como Una Llama Siento Que Me llama Un Corazon Marchito Te Reclama Vivo En Un Constante Drama Te Veo Desnuda En Mi Cama Este Hombre Te Ama , Tu Mi Dama Baby Dame Un Chama Dame La Llave Para Tus Martirios Y Temores Sentir Tus Dolores y Llorar Contigo Cuando Llores Para Darte Valores Yo Con Tus Besos Y Tus Calores Deja Que Te Adore Mami tengo El Planeta Sin Flores Tengo Fuerza Cuando Apareces Siento Mil Reacciones Cargo Me Dispones Pierdo El Equilibrio De Mis Emociones Me Caigo En Frustraciones Barras Que Me Pones Hacia Corazones Ah Soarte y Hacerte Canciones No Tengo Ambiciones Solo Quiero Untarte Mi Cario Y Besarte En Aquel Parque Donde Fuimos Cuando Nios Contigo Soy Todo , Tu Mi Todo Para Que Fortuna Creo Que Vivo En La Luna Gracias Cupido Te Debo Una "Mas" * Coro * *Yhamil Y Silvito El Libre * Espero Que Al Recibo De Esta Carta Comprendas Mi Temor a Tu Reaccion Pero Es Que a Mi Corazon Le Hacia Falta Volar En Un Cohete De Papel a Tu Balcon Me Enamore De Ti ( Desde El 1ero Momento Que Te Vi ) Me Enamore De Ti ( Y Es Que No Me Cabe Esto Que Yo Tengo Aqui) Me Enamore De Ti ( No Se Que Paso Como Fue Que De momento Me Perdi ) Me Enamore De Ti ( Perdona Que Lo Tenga Que Decir Asi ) Aldo ( El Aldeano ) Tu Pelo Es La Cortina Que El Paraiso Abre Tu Color De Perfume De Lapiz De Mi Madre Tus Ojos La Inspiracion Para Crear El Cielo Y Tus Labios Las Nubes Donde Navegar Anhelo Tus Poros, Las Estrellas Que Del Espacio Escaparon Tu Piel Mi Pergamino Donde Mis Caminos Dibujaron Tu Aliento , El Suspiro De Los Angeles Que Pecan Tu Saliba , La Cascada Donde Nacen Las Muecas Tu Sonrisa Un Eclipse De Pasion Tus Manos El Cofre De Mi Corazon Y Tu Corazon El Vientre De Mi Poesia Y Tu Prescencia Gemela Con La Luz Del Dia Bautizame Con Tu Inocencia Transparente Bendiceme Con Un Beso En La Frente Avisame Si Hay Lagrimas En Tus Mejillas Y Si Hace Falta Un Heroe Que Salga En Tus Pesadillas Yo Te Di a La Tierra Para Que El Mar Te Adornara El Reflejo De Tu Cara El Horizonte De Mi Ser Tu Voz La Voz De Esa ilusion Que Mi Placer Ampara Y Tu Amor Que Entre Mas Para Se Escondio Y Me Hizo Querer Quiero Invitarte a Marte Todos Los Martes Amarte Darte Mi Arte Tratarte Como Una Dama Buscarte En Todas Tus Partes Por Parte Lento Mirarte Llenarte y Siempre Llevarte Delante Descarte Y Hacerte Un Chama Predito Bobito Maquinandote Con Tu Bobito Desde El Principito Quise Ser Tu Principito Nena Necesito Que Me Necesites Un Poquito Que Me Invites a Un Besito De Piquito Yo Superare La Pena * Coro * Yhamil Espero Que Al Recibo De Esta Carta Comprendas Mi Temor a Tu Reaccion Pero Es Que A Mi Corazon Le Hacia Falta Volar En Un Cohete De Papel a Tu Balcon * Coro * * Yhamil Y Aldo ( El Aldeano ) * Me Enamore De Ti ( Desde El 1ero Momento Que Te Vi ) Me Enamore De Ti ( Es Que No Me Cabe Esto Que Yo Tengo Aqui) Me Enamore De Ti ( Perdona Que Te Diga Esto Asi ) Me Enamore De Ti ( No Se Como Fue Pero En Tu Mundo Me Perdi ) * Coro * Yhamil Espero Que Al Recibo De Esta Carta Comprendas Mi Temor a Tu Reaccion Pero Es Que A Mi Corazon Le Hacia Falta Volar En Un Cohete De Papel a Tu Balcon Me Enamore De Ti (x4) Aldo ( El Aldeano ) Ya ... Ojala No La Rompan Ni La Quemen Ese Corazon Que Esta Dibujado Ahi Que Hay De Malo En Soar Y En Sentir Ese Bichito Que Se Engancha En Nuestras Almas Y Hace Todo Mas Bonito

Aldeanos > Solo T

Feb 19th @ 10:53am EST

Quiero volverte a ver, dime por que no te puedo tener te quiero y no te quiero perder invitame a otro amanecer tu me haces nacer que tu me haces feliz perdona que lo diga pero estas en mi te necesito cerca no estoy bien sin ti quisiera que estuvieras ahora mismo aqui las cosas estan asi.. y como fue... no se parece que era un sueo en el que te tenia y era de ti total dueo me senti como un nio pequeo si no sabes el camino no importa te lo enseo me empeo en olvidar que en mi cama te tuve cama? perdona no, yo estaba en una nube no se si te paso pero yo senti que el cielo estaba dibujado en el olor de tu pelo vi tu cara caramelo y dije aca hay hay cara sin velo lo que paso entre nosotros fue culpa del desvelo si dios te trajo al mundo para ser parte del mio si tu no estas me hundo y funciono vacio me castiga el frio de tu calor ausente me quedo dormido con tu imagen en la mente no se si igual que yo esto tu lo sientes pero despues que te bese me siento diferente mi alma siente amor tomame como soy, asi tal cual que si tu no vienes, entonces yo voy, te lo aseguro te juro que sin ti soy algo muerto mi futuro sabe a tu recuerdo no se por que en tus besos me pierdo, el camino de regreso nunca lo recuerdo.. Quiero volverte a ver, dime por que no te puedo tener te quiero y no te quiero perder invitame a otro amanecer tu me haces nacer que tu me haces feliz perdona que lo diga pero estas en mi te necesito cerca no estoy bien sin ti quisiera que estuvieras ahora mismo aqui las cosas estan asi.. apago la lampara, quito las sabanas, tu ropa esta demas no hablemos mas besame ya sin ti se va la vida y se hace cada muerte una bendicion tenerte tu sanaste mis heridas si tu no estas, yo te invento de repente por favor amame siempre que siempre sers querida tu bienvenida a mi planeta tuuu sobretodo lo que esta a tu alrededor dejame ser tu resplandor y hacer lo que me pidas no hay medida, que no hay un nombre que defina lo que siente una mujer y un hombre tu, tu, tu, tu, tu y solamente tu... y solamente tu y esque te hecho se da un aire a tus pechos y en mi lecho me siento mas solo y de menos te hecho he hecho hasta lo imposible, pero hasta tu ausencia es visible tu belleza es irreversible es que solo estando preso en ti yo me siento libre los segundos son meses, los meses son aos, los aos son siglos, y los siglos sin ti una eternidad te quiero infinito esto adentro no me cabe todos los das son de enamorados, felicidades eres como el viento no estas pero te siento, te respiro en todos los momentos, si te miento, me engaaria, es que tu soy yo es que yo soy tu es que somos uno cuando yo soy tuyo y tu eres mio te raptaria y te llevaria a una isla vacia donde solo el mar nos haga compaia donde las gaviotas alegran la forma de tu boca donde el tiempo se detiene y la fe no es rota no se prescindir de tu olor no quiero vivir sin tu amor yo quiero morir a tu lado tus ojos son mi mirador, no me dejes princesa que muero sin ti gracias a tus caricias me encuentro hoy aqui existes si faltas yo mismo me muero.. Quiero volverte a ver, dime por que no te puedo tener te quiero y no te quiero perder invitame a otro amanecer tu me haces nacer que tu me haces feliz perdona que lo diga pero estas en mi te necesito cerca no estoy bien sin ti quisiera que estuvieras ahora mismo aqui las cosas estan asi.. las cosas estan asi.. las cosas estan asi...

Aldeanos > A las 3 de la maana

Feb 19th @ 10:51am EST

Son las 3 de la maana Creo q e un poco tarde anq aun si... sube la musica papa! oh si escuchame si si si no Hoy como tantas madrugadas desvelado me prengunto exactamente q tiempo me qeda en este mundo por un segundo repaso mis vivencias asta el momento de un espiritu humanista por el pasado corriento a pasao el tiempo desde aqel ultimo error q a cambio de mi libertad entrege un amor q cn mas q un pulobel roto emprendi una marcha triste junto a una felicidad q al parecer ya no existe qizaz fui un egoista un machista un aburrido intentantando ser amante olbido como ser amigo qizaz aun tenga motivos suficientes para erirme qe concige cn eso pudiera decirme por q usted puede cerrarme la puerta d su casa pero es en vano si el corazon me dice paza si cuandoo esta en su cuarto me abraza cn la mente y mis errores no sobrepasan lo q siente usted me llamo poco hombre manipulador cretino y me pidio q nunca mas me entrometiera en su camino q la dejara tranqila q yo no la meresco pero d merecer no ablemos eso es un tema q detesto cuantas veces como un ave c n sus cosas q me dio cuantas veces dice usted seora q por mi culpa lloro cuantas veces por dolor una vercion distinta dio cuantas veces llore yo seora y nadie me vio hoy estoy en el precente q yo mismo construi hoy usted qiere borrar todo el amor q le di pero ella puede recivir 10 mil telegramas seguira igual si no ai uno del hombre q ella ama son las tres de la maana maana sera ootro dia q despertare en la tarde repitiendome algun dia y se marchara otro dia en el q usted no entiende q somos dos locos y q uno del otro depende (estribillo) Y esta es otra lagrima q sobre el papel se derrama (Otra confecion del arma) Que la vida me reclama No ahi manera de qedarse en una cama cuando el corazon te llama Otraves a las 3 de la maana yo y se el recuerdo no te deja dormir y sientes q qedan muchas cosas por decir Vuelvo a escribir lo q el corazon me manda otraves A las 3 de la maana yo No tendria por q mostrarme renuente a la cortecia o regalarle un discurso repleto de grocerias me comportaria distinto mas no merece la pena como qiera fui un conflicto en la vida de su nena sin modales para cenas formales ni cumpleaos un estrao q le amargo su existencia por dos aos un ao cn sierto beso q mi corazon sentia por q a mi si me dolia ser tratado cn ipocrecia por esos dias bebia constantemente tenia problemas la vieja se avia marchao reciente poco consecuente acciones situasiones contundentes nunca deje d qererla aunq actuaba diferente no me justifico repaso las circunstancias hoy q no es vivo el afecto y solo existe distancia su arrogancia fue eficiente no siento ni odio ni amor aunq me aparto de ella tampoco siento rincor dios la coja confesada dentro de sus ideas d tul y ojala pueda encontrarla cn ese principe azul y no la cuestione tanto cn su maniatica vista si es usted qien la a formado tan tonta y materialita yo modelo no! mi suelo se contamina e vivido circunstancias q qizaz nose imagina sola las mismas cotrinas de aqel joven y su ego q asia canciones d rap bombardeadas por su juego son las 3 de la maana y otra ves la misma historia llegan recuerdos tristes a mi memoria no dire q ubo victoria o derrota a ultima ora pero en futuros sucesos preguntele por q llora un estrao q le amargo su vida ao tas ao (estribillo) Y esta es otra lagrima q sobre el papel se derrama (Otra confecion del arma) Que la vida me reclama No ahi manera de qedarse en una cama cuando el corazon te llama Otraves a las 3 de la maana yo y se el recuerdo no te deja dormir y sientes q qedan muchas cosas por decir vuelvo a escribrir Vuelvo a escribir lo q el corazon me manda otraves A las 3 de la maana yo A las tres d la maana yoo yo yo a las tres de la maana yoou si ja al finar nadie escarmienta por cabeza agena usted no la ayuda cn esas actitudes dejala q vuele sola no la combierta en una cosa inutil

Aldeanos > Amor

Feb 19th @ 10:50am EST

Yo no me auto margino, ni me auto discrimino Se que no se siente bien, cuando a su lado camino Tiene modales tan finos, que se nota que es vulgar Y que solo intenta una mejor persona aparentar Le quera preguntar? Que tal se siente ser, aquel ser Con el cual no tiene nada que ver y adems poner, una serie de frases en la boca Que no encajan con lo que a simple vista no se nota Su nica verdad, es que todo es mentira Y que es un gran imbecil, aquel que su postura admira Por que aquellos que miran, por encima del hombro Se quedan en la superficie no tocan el fondo y que tan hondo Puede ser un ser humano, que escrupulosamente deja en el aire una mano y que tan limpio es aquel que gana mucho, si para ganarlo tiene que jugar sucio, mira socio Tienes dinero? Ok te felicito Tienes carro, hueles bien? OK Te felicito No trates de humillarme tratndome de lejitos Por que cada da, estas mas cerquita de un buen tromponcito Yo permito que se me ignore, no que se me pise No creas todo lo que por ah de mi se dice Que los comentaristas andan ltimamente sin empleo y Con deseos de manchar expedientes Y aunque mi encalaje, no encaje, en tu fiesta traje No har que la frente baje y me avergence de mi tatuaje Relajen sus ojitos no me encajen por favor no robo adornos, mrenme como un portador de amor amor a mi familia, amor a lo correcto, amor al color de piel, que llevamos por dentro amor a un sentimiento ,no a marcas registradas AMOR POR EL AMOR ,NO amor POR ALGO QUE no ES NADA Y es que nada, tiene un valor tan grande, cuando con tan poco nos sentimos importantes ASI QUE METASE EL SALUDO POR DONDE MEJOR LE QUEPA YO SI SE QUIEN SOY ,HAYA EL QUE NO LO SEPA Y cuanto tengo y cuanto valgo, cuanto valgo eso depende de lo que aparente yo Monetariamente hay pero que equivocada esta la gente, como sin voy a seguir siendo el mismo de siempre acercate ven,no dejes que te lo cuenten no ni tan cobarde ni tan valiente yo ni tan distinto ni tan corriente aldo asi sencillamente yo soy un mister natural seor tal de un lugar ahi que intenta ser feliz como muchos a ver porque me quieren cambiar a mi si yo no soy ni refrigerador ni ruso es que queren *** maana puede ser un buso la vida da mas vueltas que el antiguo m3 cambiese de nube, dejese de abuso y no escupa mas pa riba que se pue mojar depue y aunque que mi pinta no se le despinta la mona voy a seguir siendo asi si asi me quiere mi mama algun dia demostrare que no soy malo na pa que se metan el deo donde el sol no les da sus palabras rebusca metasela en el culo su fina cabrona metasela metasela en el culo su ideas equivocas metasela en el culo por fi como un surfin en su ofi y a cagar oro golfi no soy lo que paresco soy distinto al resto me gusta el rap, el ron y el baloncesto soy mas honesto que ustedes un millon de veces que actuan con bondad solo cuando les favorece disputas moralistas entre viejas putas crecen chochas insatisfechas que no gozan hace meses chismosas que enfurecen porque la del segundo piso tiene quince y a su esposo le saka la leche entonces entretenerse con la vida que no aclaro el timon en el valcon y el telefono en la mano y hablar de los demas por que no hay ma na que hacer si el marido ta roncando y no se la quere meter apariencias, ya nadie es sincero ahora todo es a conveniencia y por dinero recordarle quero que aunque se vista de seda uste siempre sera un mantel de comedor obrero dime ese pero que hay de malo en ser asi en defender lo que sentimo si nos sentimo feliz por eso le descargo a too lo negro de este pais que pa entrar en casa de blanco no se hace el berri hay policias por ahi que se emborrachan no te asombres y les da por bailar y tocar a los hombres, depue no se recuerdan al otro dia y uste me disculpa pero pa mi eso es mariconeria me lo imagino a usted sentao en su butaca y me dan ganas de hacer caca y de pedirle su corbata pa limpiar lo que me queda entre el culo y los vellos y depue como si na ponersela en su propio cuello yeyo ya yo de ello huyo para evitar un problema y el chanchuyo suyo por que el dia que tenga el moo a 180 grado girao le voy a dar el piano que el chucho valdes a tocao desfasao siempre e andao por donde quera que andao y he dejao demostrao en too lao que aldo no ha cambiao chao pescao nos cogemos donde quera que aunque tus escamas brillen conosco tu ciguatera Y cuanto tengo y cuanto valgo, cuanto valgo eso depende de lo que aparente yo Monetariamente hay pero que equivocada esta la gente, como sin voy a seguir siendo el mismo de siempre acercate ven,no dejes que te lo cuenten no ni tan cobarde ni tan valiente yo ni tan distinto ni tan corriente aldo asi sencillamente no niegue tanta agua que el pasado tiene sed maana anda en carro maana quien sabe a pie all tu con tu conciencia, sigue viviendo de las apariencias...

Aldeanos > A Veces Pienso

Feb 19th @ 10:49am EST

He creado un ngel verde y gris, que se pasea de noche, no lo puedo ver. Est donde la luz que dicen que hay, donde terminan los sueos de la realidad, donde se escapan los nios si no quieres ms; donde se ahogan los gritos de mi mitad. He creado un ngel verde y gris, a veces le hablo bajito, por si est. Le busco por la calle del caminar. A veces le echo de menos si t no ests, a veces tengo que hacer de tripas corazn. A veces A veces A veces A veces I A veces pienso que aun estas que no te fuiste Que regresas me besas y me dices no ests triste nene. Que esta realidad es solo un chiste de mal gusto Y que del tamao del infinito te gusto A veces subo a la azotea a mirar las nubes y veo Aquella figurita que dibujaba el deseo Me acuesto pienso en ti y si cae alguna estrella Le pido que de tu piel jams se borren mis huellas A veces ando en la Habana Que todas las sealizaciones de transito me sonre tu cara Pestaeo y luego vuelvo a mirar Y me digo estoy delirando a que un auto me va a matar A veces no, casi siempre te imagino en mi camino Que me tocan la puerta y cuando abro es mi vecino A veces sueo que te cuento los secretos de mi infancia Que tenemos un hijo y le enseamos a decir gracias He creado un ngel verde y gris, a veces le hablo bajito, por si est. Le busco por la calle del caminar. A veces le echo de menos si t no ests, a veces tengo que hacer de tripas corazn. A veces A veces A veces A veces II A veces pienso que tu no piensas en mi Y que para estar junto a ti no nac Quizs sea as Pero cuando los ojos abro Te veo a mi lado digo amanec junto a un milagro Conservo tu carta como un tesoro Tesoro te adoro he ignoro Que mas de ti me enamoro solo Quisiera ser el duende que siembra flores en tus poros Y te dejo porque a veces las canciones tienen coro He creado un ngel verde y gris, a veces le hablo bajito, por si est. Le busco por la calle del caminar. A veces le echo de menos si t no ests, a veces tengo que hacer de tripas corazn. A veces A veces A veces A veces III A veces hago gestos creyendo que me miras Y que soy todo lo que hay en tus pupilas Te quiero un pila ojala lo mismo tu La convert en un bombillito Que no prende sin tu luz A veces no quiero pensar que sin ti tengo fro Y que cuando te vas me dejas lleno de vaco Eres lo que ansi Adorarte es mi virtud Estn tocando la puerta ojala seas tu.

Aldeanos > Poesia

Feb 19th @ 10:48am EST

y como fue que ella llego como fue que me atrapo como fue que me enredo en su mundo como fue que me arrastro, me chuzo,de luz me lleno -hoy me pregunto- como se colo en mis venas alivio todas mis penas en cuestiones de segundos como me cambio los dias y convirtio en palabras mi agonia -hoy me pregunto- y me le hecho combustible al corazon y mi espiritu le dio la vuelta al mundo me lleno de placer y por mas que me intento responder -hoy me pregunto- como fue no se decirte como fue no se explicarte que paso pero de ti me enamore y como fue no se decirte que paso pero de ti me enamore! porque desde el primer momento yo sabia que.... eras para mi eras para mi (EL B) yo.... amada dama amalgama que da mas cada ocasion hada alada llama que inflama y cala mas en mi corazon calida y helada ala vez salida ami pasion, mi respiracion tu nombre de este hombre resurreccion madrugada tras madrugada el milagro se hace el momento mas bello en que un dia muere y otro nace tu presencia esencia especial de mi inspiracion nada es comparable a tu desnudez en un renglon destruyes dolor, destupes rencor, no esfumes tu perfume de amor es humor de fe defendere tu honor sere tu protector tu mi espada, herida mi cura cada trago amargo un paso en tu largo camino de dulzura doncella pura criatura, mi esfinge donde todo converge ser que siempre emerge virgen que no exige y se entrega que siempre llega nueva con ganas nuevas a nuestra siempre nueva cita a ciegas que no me niega su alegria, su melancolia, su tristeza, su pena , su ira, sus fantasias su alma llena su caja fuerte vacia muchos luchan por su gloria dia a dia pero es mia ! el ancia indescriptible, imprescindible, imvisible mas cada susurro tuyo aunque minimo me es legible es increible como en cada espacio de mi ser navegas que he de haer si un dia no llegas? si un dia me dejas ? en la oscuridad repitiendo tu nombre mil veces amo la soledad porque es cuando tu magia aparece al parecer tras cada anochecer tu seras mi abrigo cuando podre irme contigo ? -hoy me pregunto- (silvito) abuela nos presento siendo un nio todavia alegria la mia el dia que llegaste te sentia llendo y penetrando como un asesino a sangre fria adictiva mas diria que dejarte no podria guia tu mano sombria sobre mi alma vacia sigo tu rumbo retumbo cuando haces que sonria y aunque muchos ya han logrado convertirte en mercancia humillarte no es posible ni odiarte preciosa mia lia mas tu aroma tierno al mundo con su secreto que los gobiernos y leyes se rijan por tus decretos que amarte no sea un reto para asesinos o ateos creo y veo en tus entraas un porvenir menos feo a juzgar por lo que creo y el deseo de poseerte suerte mia ansia verte inerte sobre la muerte gente que no logra hacerte suya pude tenerte puedo morderte apretarte, usarte, darte y olerte, verte como lo intocable mi desafio mayor el secreto la cima la meta de un mundo mejor mi sangre y herida vida respetala porfavor conceptos y dolores la venganza y el amor llevate mi error mis momentos de terror mis recuerdos y valor sigues siendo tu mi dama mi flor mi redentor mi reparador de sueos mi color, mi claor, mis lagrimas de dolor mi rencor mi fuerza de luchar mientras prosigo mi libertad baja en todo lo que pienso y lo que digo mi testigo mi noche mi estrella mi mejor amigo como le hago si no estoy contigo ? -hoy me pregunto- vamo! (...) y yo no se explicarte como fue yo solo se que desde que te encontre me quede para verte quererte y tenerte pero prefiero cuidarte y hacerte mia por siempre como la nena de mis ojos me recrea colorea mis ideas y las cojo me quita el enojo y hace de mi una mejor persona reanima mi autoestima cuando esta no funciona es la patrona de mis frases mi espada de la guerra o mi bandera de hacer las pases la que muere pero renace la alegria de mi dia cuando es ella qien la compaia me hace tan bella y tan deslumbrante miranos a nosotros 2 vueltos locos por ser sus amantes mi vida cambia en el instante cuando nos conocimos ambos nos volvimos transparentes ella es quien guia mis pasos quien se entera de primera sobre mis aciertos y mis fracasos fue quien me acogio en sus brazos quien me recogio cuando mi mundo se rompio en mil pedazos por eso se que me ama junto ami cuando mam se fue y cuando el viejo cayo en cama y aunque muchos la reclaman no siento pena alguna saben ! ella es mi primera dama ! (aldo) iluminada iluminas mi nada en laminas caminas fina y vulgar encaminas mi anima ala cima lastimas mas y mas mis mas profundos dolores y encima me das paz y vas detras demi sembrando flores muchos te adoran muchos te ignoran algunos te ven lloran, imploran pasar a tu lado las horas doctora que nos cura la melancolia fria como una inyeccion de pasion y fantasia la mesia que de mi encia despegar ancia en silaba asi que si la ve saludala que un dia podria ser quien levante tu corazoncito porque ella lo puede todo nada borrara su mito ella es luz, el pus de la tristeza, la cruz el verso, el beso, el rezo mi ala mi jesus si no entrara en su vidas cuanta oscuridad bloqueara esa sonrisa limpia que hoy se dibuja en su cara y hay valor en los ojos de quien lucha por amor y a ti te entrega su corazon porque aunque muchos no lo crean, mi reina tu eres nuestra salvacion te necesito como una nia a su osito en su camita palparte con la mente es una sensacion bendita en el cielo tu en la tierra tu en el mar tu en mi piel tu I LOVE YOU princesita y damicela encantadora tu me has enamorado lo mas lejos que quiero estar de ti es a tu lado tu eres el aire que respiro, tu belleza admiro naces cuando me inspiro y... - hoy me pregunto- vamo! (coro) y como fue que ella llego como fue que me atrapo como fue que me enredo en su mundo como fue que me arrastro, me chuzo,de luz me lleno -hoy me pregunto- como se colo en mis venas alivio todas mis penas en cuestiones de segundos como me cambio los dias y convirtio en palabras mi agonia -hoy me pregunto- y me le hecho combustible al corazon y mi espiritu le dio la vuelta al mundo me lleno de placer y por mas que me intento responder -hoy me pregunto- como fue no se decirte como fue no se explicarte que paso pero de ti me enamore y como fue no se decirte que paso pero de ti me enamore porque desde el primer momento yo sabia que ....eras para mi

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